
(Private) Terraform Registry using Chalice and PynamoDB

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Zero A.E.'s 12-Factor codebase of the Terraform Registry API implemented using Chalice and PynamoDB.

Similar projects (and likely more complete), in alphabetical order


  1. Requirements:

    • conda
    • docker-compose
    • keybase (for secrets)
  2. Clone the repository and secrets

    git clone https://github.com/zeroae/terraform-registry.git
    cd terraform-registry
    # Submodules did not work
    git clone keybase://team/zeroae/terraform-registry-secrets secrets
    # Fix the acme.json file permissions. 600 is not able to be committed to Git
    find . -type f -name acme.json -exec chmod 600 {} \;
  3. Create conda environment

    conda env create 
    conda activate terraform-registry

Local Deployment

  1. Additional Requirements:

    • docker-compose
  2. Start the app on local mode

    docker-compose up -d
  3. Wait until the app, backend and manage services are healthy

    watch docker-compose ps  
  4. Attach to the Management container

    docker attach terraform-registry_manage_1
    ./manage.py --help
    1. Initialize the Database
      ./manage.py db init
      ./manage.py db restore tests/integration/local.ddb
    2. Verify Terraform CLI can reach the local server
      cd tests/integration/tf.local.zeroae.net
      rm -rf .terraform
      terraform init
    3. Detach from the container
      Ctrl-P + Ctrl-Q
  5. Verify Terraform CLI can reach the local registry (outside management)

    cd tests/integration/tf.local.zeroae.net
    rm -rf .terraform
    terraform init

AWS (dev) Deployment

  1. Use Chalice to (re)deploy the dev stage to AWS

    export AWS_CONFIG_FILE="./secrets/aws/config"
    chalice deploy --stage=dev

    You may also set the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable to control where the API is deployed

  2. Initialize the Database

    ./manage.py --stage=dev db init
    # Optionally load content into the DynamoDB backend
    ./manage.py --stage=dev db restore tests/integration/local.ddb
  3. Configure a custom domain name(tf.zeroae.net) to point to the dev stage

    1. Use the AWS Certificate Manager to register a certificate for tf.zeroae.net
    2. Create a custom domain name in API Gateway
      • tf.zeroae.net
      • Edge Optimized
      • TLS 1.2
      • The ACM certificate from the previous step
    3. Create an ALIAS DNS record for tf.zeroae.net pointing to the API Gateway Name and ZONE ID from previous step.
    4. Add API Mapping for the dev Stage
  4. Verify Terraform CLI can reach the remote server

    cd tests/integration/tf.zeroae.net
    rm -rf .terraform
    terraform init

CLI Usage (manage.py)

When utilizing the manage.py remember that if a --stage is not specified then all of the actions will be taken on the local environment that can be established by the docker-compose configuration described above.

Working with the DynamoDB Backend

The backend for the API can be controlled through the manage.py command line interface (CLI).


./manage.py db init


./manage.py db backup <out filename>


./manage.py db restore <in file>


./manage.py db destroy

Working with Modules

Placing modules in the registry can be done through the manage.py command line interface (CLI).

Each module record is a combination of the name, the provider, the version and then the location in which that module can be found.

Create a Record

./manage.py record create <module>/<name>/<provider>/<version> <go-getter-url>

Additional Options: --verified, --owner, --description, --source

Delete a Record

./manage.py record delete <module>/<name>/<provider>/<version>

Import a Record from registry.terraform.io

./manage.py record import [--registry registry.terraform.io] <module>/<name>/<provider>/<version>