Zero bounce India API - pascal SDK

This library is a wrapper for the ZeroBounce API v2.

For more information about the API, visit

In order to run this library, the zero-bounce API which requires an API key. Check this guide to see how to grab yours.

Package's units

The methods implemented in this library can raise ZbException.

  • ZbUtility - contains utility methods
    • ZbSetApiKey - set the API key to be used within the all SDK's methods
    • ZbException - exception containing data about the response context
  • ZbGeneric - contains general purpose methods
    • ZbGetCredits (returns integer) - fetch account's credits
    • ZbGetApiUsage (returns TApiUsage) - fetch account's (overall or specific) API usage
    • ZbActivityData (returns integer) - fetch the amount of days an email inbox has been active
    • ZbFindEmail (returns ZbFindEmail) - identifies and validates a person’s primary email address
    • ZbDomainSearch (returns ZbFindEmail) - detects possible email address patterns used by a domain/company
  • ZbValidation - fetch validation information about emails
    • ZbValidateEmail (returns TZbValidationResult) - validate one email
    • ZbBatchValidateEmails (retrns TZBBatchValidation) - validate a list of emails
  • ZbBulk - bulk email validation or AI scoring
    • Bulk Email validation:
      • ZbBulkValidationFileSubmit (returns TZBFileFeedback) - submit for bulk validation a file contents, containing emails
      • ZbBulkValidationFileStatusCheck (returns TZBFileStatus) - check the status of a submitted file
      • ZbBulkValidationResultFetch (returns TZBBulkResponse) - fetch the validation result of a submitted file
      • ZbBulkValidationResultDelete (returns TZBFileFeedback) - delete file submitted for bulk validation
    • AI scoring:
      • ZbAiScoringFileSubmit (returns TZBFileFeedback) - submit for AI scoring a file contents, containing emails
      • ZbAiScoringFileStatusCheck (returns TZBFileStatus) - check the status of a submitted file
      • ZbAiScoringResultFetch (returns TZBBulkResponse) - fetch the validation result of a submitted file
      • ZbAiScoringResultDelete (returns TZBFileFeedback) - delete file submitted for AI scoring
  • ZbStructures - contains structures returned by the methods enumerated above



In order to run this package, one must install Delphi IDE.

Open Delphi IDE, File > Open, browse for ./packages/ZeroBounce.dpk (or ./packages/zb.groupproj), click "Open package".

In order to run example snippets or your own project using the zero-bounce package, first install the package into Delphi:

  • open package (described above)
  • locate projects window (or CTRL+ALT+F11)
  • right click on the project ("ZeroBounce.bpl") > Compile
  • right click on the project > Install

After installing, the example projects (./examples/delphi/Examples.groupproj) should run successfully. If that still doesn't happen, follow the steps below.

To run the ZeroBounce SDK with any other Dephi project:

  • open desired project
  • Project > Options (or SHIFT+CTRL+F11) > Packages > Runtime Packages
  • enable "Link with runtime packages"
  • [optional] click on the three dots from "Runtime packages", browse to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\{INSTALLED VERSION}\Bpl, select "Any file (.)" from bottom-right, select ZeroBounce.bpl file
  • you can now import project's units

Free Pascal

In order to run this package, one must install Lazarus IDE.

Open Lazarus IDE, File > Open, browse for ./packages/zerobounce.lpk (relative to repository root), click "Open package".

In order to run unit tests, example snippets or your own project with the zero-bounce package, first install it into lazarus:

  • open package (described above)
  • locate package window (titled with "Package ZeroBounce {version}")
  • Compile
  • Use > Install

After installing, opening either tests (./tests/unit_tests.lpi) or example snippets (any *.lpi file from ./examples/fpc/ folder) should work running.

To run ZeroBounce SDK with any other FPC project:

  • open desired project
  • Project > Project inspector > Add > New requirement
  • pick "ZeroBounce" from the list
  • it should now appear in "Required Packages"
  • you can now import project's units