ZeroBounce JavaScript API v2


This is a JavaScript wrapper class for the ZeroBounce API v2.


npm install @zerobounce/zero-bounce-sdk


Add the script

<script src="<PATH_TO_SCRIPT/zeroBounceSDK.js"></script>
const zeroBounce = new ZeroBounceSDK();


Add npm module

const ZeroBounceSDK = require('@zerobounce/zero-bounce-sdk')

const zeroBounce = new ZeroBounceSDK();

Initialize the sdk with your api key:


NOTE: all the methods are asynchronous they have to be used with async / await or .then.catch


Then you can use any of the SDK methods, for example:

  • Check how many credits you have left on your account
try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getCredits();
} catch (error) {
  • Validate an email address
const email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to validate
const ip_address = ""; // The IP Address the email signed up from (Optional)

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.validateEmail(email, ip_address);
} catch (error) {
  • Get api usage from a start date to an end date
const startDate = "2018-01-01"; // The start date of when you want to view API usage
const endDate = "2023-12-12"; // The end date of when you want to view API usage

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getApiUsage(startDate, endDate);
} catch (error) {
  • Validate a list of emails
const emailBatch = [
  { email_address: "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>" },
  { email_address: "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>" },
]; // an array containing a list of email objects {email_address: ""}

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.validateBatch(emailBatch);
} catch (error) {
  • Get data about an email activity
const email = "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"; // The email address you want to get the activity for

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getEmailActivity(email);
} catch (error) {
  • Send a csv file containing email addresses to be validated
// Parameters
// ----------
// file: File
//     The csv or txt file to be submitted.
// email_address_column: number
//     The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts from 1.
// return_url: str or null (Optional)
//     The URL will be used to call back when the validation is completed.
// first_name_column: number or null (Optional)
//     The column index of the first name column.
// last_name_column: number or null (Optional)
//     The column index of the last name column.
// gender_column: number or null (Optional)
//     The column index of the gender column.
// ip_address_column: number or null (Optional)
//     The IP Address the email signed up from.
// has_header_row: Boolean (Optional)
//     If the first row from the submitted file is a header row.
// remove_duplicate: Boolean (Optional)
//     If you want the system to remove duplicate emails.
const payload = {
  file: "<FILE>",
  email_address_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3
  return_url: "<RETURN_URL>", // (Optional)
  first_name_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3 (Optional)
  last_name_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3 (Optional)
  gender_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3 (Optional)
  ip_address_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3 (Optional)
  has_header_row: true / false, // (Optional)
  remove_duplicate: true / false, // (Optional)

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.sendFile(payload);
} catch (error) {
  • Send a csv file containing email addresses to get the scoring of the emails
// Parameters
// ----------
// file: File
//     The csv or txt file to be submitted.
// email_address_column: number
//     The column index of the email address in the file. Index starts from 1.
// return_url: str or null (Optional)
//     The URL will be used to call back when the validation is completed.
// has_header_row: Boolean (Optional)
//     If the first row from the submitted file is a header row.
// remove_duplicate: Boolean (Optional)
//     If you want the system to remove duplicate emails.
const payload = {
  file: "<FILE>",
  email_address_column: "<NUMBER_OF_COLUMN>", //example 3
  return_url: "<RETURN_URL>", // (Optional)
  has_header_row: true / false,
  remove_duplicate: true / false, // (Optional)

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.sendScoringFile(payload);
} catch (error) {
  • The completion status of a previously sent file
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getFileStatus(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • The completion status of a previously sent scoring file
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getScoringFileStatus(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • Get the file with the validated data
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getFile(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • Get the file with the scoring data
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.getScoringFile(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • Delete the file with the validated data
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.deleteFile(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • Delete the file with the scoring data
const fileId = "<FILE_ID>"; // The id of a previously sent file

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.deleteScoringFile(fileId);
} catch (error) {
  • Email finder - Test a variety of patterns and combinations in real time until it identifies a valid business email.
// Parameters
// ----------
// domain: String
//     The email domain for which to find the email format. 
// first_name: String or null (Optional)
//     The first name of the person whose email format is being searched.
// middle_name: String or null (Optional)
//     The middle name of the person whose email format is being searched.
// last_name: String or null (Optional)
//     The last name of the person whose email format is being searched.

const payload = {
  domain: "<DOMAIN>",
  first_name: "<FIRST_NAME>",
  middle_name: "<MIDDLE_NAME>",
  last_name: "<LAST_NAME>"

try {
  const response = await zeroBounce.guessFormat(payload);
} catch (error) {

Any of the following email addresses can be used for testing the API, no credits are charged for these test email addresses:

You can use this IP to test the GEO Location in the API.



After checking out the repo run tests

npm test

You should see an output like this

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       58 passed, 58 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.596 s, estimated 3 s
Ran all test suites.