
Log4j-Scanner with Bind-Receipt and custom hostnames

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hrafna - Log4j-Scanner for the masses


  • Scanning-system designed to check your own infra for vulnerable log4j-installations
  • start and stop scans ([CTRL-C] is your friend), continue and skip already tested
  • use your own DNS-server that listens to Requests from scanned hosts
  • unique requests for each host to be scanned
  • easy to correlate which host sends a callback
  • reportmode to see which hosts made a callback
  • adjustable fields for the payload for app-specific/customized attackpatterns

unique requests

  • each payload is unique, so you can see which host triggered a response or maybe backend-system were connected

PAYLOAD: e3a4d77618a0  .  3c028d   .  l4s.scanix.edu
         ^^^              ^^^         ^^^
         host_id          scan_id     your custom nameserver



  • install packages from requirements.txt
  • instructions for the BIND-setup are below


  • l4s.scanix.edu is our example here, change according to your own needs

  • global_config


base_scan_domain: l4s.scanix.edu
bind_log: /var/log/bind/hrafna.log

  • each scan has a unique config-file in yaml-format


name: your_scan_name
mode: default
input_file: hostnames.txt


  • name: give your scan a name (alphanum, spaces will get converted to "_"

  • mode:

    • see payloads/*.yaml for more specific payloads

    • default: (currently the only mode, but more will get added as new attackvectors are dropping in)

    • all: getting all available payloads

    • additional: currently in private mode (6 apps and counting)

  • input_file: your file with targets (IPs or hostnames), full urls including ports preferred, otherwise only https://target/ is checked

# default.yaml

url:  /?id={{PAYLOAD}}
  - "User-Agent: {{PAYLOAD}}"
  - "X-Request-ID: {{PAYLOAD}}"
  - "Referer: {{PAYLOAD}}"


# waf_bypass: True | False (tbd)
# headers: headers.txt (tbd) which headers_file to use, must be available in libs/  


./hrafna scan scan.yaml    -> execute/continue a scan, requests
                              are stored in output/scan_name/global.log

./hrafna report scan.yaml  -> check sended request against
                              your BIND-log (see global.log)

./hrafna reset scan.yaml   -> copy a scan to output/scan_name.TIMESTAMP
                              allows you to execute another scan

output and reports

  • output for each scan is stored in output/$scan_name/$scan_name-matched.csv


Setup the scanner and BIND

  • have your dns-server and your scanner on the same maschine for auto_reports (scanner neesd to read the bind-logfile)

your bind config

  • GOTO DNS-Zonefile of your scanning domain (scanix.edu)

l4s		IN	A
l4s		IN	AAAA	2a01:::::1
l4s		IN	NS     	l4s

  • local named.conf

# named.conf.local


zone "l4s.scanix.edu." {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/l4s.zone";

logging {
  channel "querylog" {
    file "/var/log/bind9/hrafna.log";
    print-time yes;
  category queries { querylog; };


  • bind_zonefile - change l4s.scanix.edu to your own domain / subdomain

# /etc/bind/l4s.zone

; l4s.scanix.edu
$TTL 60
l4s.scanix.edu. IN     SOA    a.root-servers.net. technik@zero.bs. (
                                2021121301  ; Serial
                                1H          ; refresh after 3 hours
                                30m          ; retry after 1 hour
                                1H          ; expire after 1 week
                                1D)         ; minimum TTL of 1 day

                                IN      NS      l4s.scanix.edu.

l4s.scanix.edu.                  IN A  
l4s.scanix.edu.                  IN AAAA         2a01:4f8::::

*                               IN A             
*                               IN AAAA         2a01:4f8:::::


0.4 - 2021-12-22

0.2 - 2021-12-12

  • first naive scanner
  • evasions
  • dns
  • custom scan-hostnames

01. 2021-12-10

  • internal release only