
The Listening Tester


Download the latest lester and plop that thing in your environment (e.g. inside docker) at the root directory


Once lester is in your root, run it with one of the following modes:


You'll need a configuration file, lester.yml to define some locations. Lester is capable of testing multiple components at the same time (i.e. if you have packages or subdependencies with separate test suites, Lester will handle those and run tests for them as well.)

        root: .
        # other components can go here
        # for example:
        # library: path/to/library
    aliases: # optional
        # you can also setup aliases in case your
        # component names are too boring to type
        # for example:
        # lib: library


./lester test <component>

lester test will run the phpunit tests for any given component. This has the added benefit of being able to do this without changing directories, but is otherwise the same as existing scripts.


# Test all of web
./lester test web

# Test the "banana" group in core
./lester test core -- --group banana

# Test a specific test file in lib
./lester test lib -- /path/to/tests/unit/SomeTest.php


Performs the same tests as above, but watches for modifications to any files in that component and re-runs the tests after files are changed. watch starts with a test run.


# Test and watch all of web
./lester watch web

# Test and watch the "banana" group in root
# This isn't too smart--it'll re-run tests even if the file you touch isn't
# related to the banana group at all
./lester watch root -- --group banana

# Test a specific test file in lib
./lester watch lib -- /path/to/tests/unit/SomeTest.php


This is where the magic really happens! auto will watch ALL THE FILES in project (well, all the files that matter), and will run the specific tests related to those changes.

For example, if you modify a file, SomeClass.php, lester will search for the matching test in the same component--SomeClassTest.php. If it finds it, we'll test that file, but also look inside to see what groups are being tested for it, and also test those.

auto keeps a running list of all the files you've modified, so as you go around modifying things your test runs will get bigger. lester will also run the tests for each component involved--so if you edit files in root and core, both test suites will be run for the relevant files. Groups it finds will be run across every component that is being tested.

If you want to bootstrap/seed lester auto with your current changes in your branch, you can run:

./lester auto --seed-from-git

Lester will attempt to get all the committed, untracked, staged, and unstaged changes from git (NOTE: some earlier versions of git, for staged and unstaged changes can take a while to find. This should only be slow the first time though, and should be much faster after that).


# Run lester auto
./lester auto

# Run lester auto, seed from git
./lester auto --seed-from-git