
Script to automatically backup one or multiple databases to AWS S3. We use it to backup railway databases to S3.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Database S3 backups

This script provides a simple all-in-one automated way to back up your databases to AWS S3.

Deploy on Railway

Supported databases:

  • postgres
  • mysql
  • mongodb


  • Define multiple databases of different types in your configuration, and the script will automatically handle the backup process for all of them in one execution.
  • Backups can be initiated either upon the script execution or on a scheduled basis using a cron job.
  • Backups are compressed to reduce file size.

How it works

  1. Define database connection URI strings for each database you want backed up and the backup schedule
  2. The script will connect to the database(s) and do a dump
  3. The dump is compressed and uploaded to your defined AWS S3 Bucket
  4. Finally, the dumps are cleaned up on the local file system


Variables example:

CRON=0 0 * * *

Environment variables

Key Description Optional Default Value
DATABASES Comma-separated connection strings list of database URIs that should be backed up. No []
RUN_ON_STARTUP Boolean value that indicates if the script should run immediately on startup. Yes false
CRON Cron expression for scheduling when the backup job will run for all databases. See Crontab.guru for help setting up schedules. Yes
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key. No
AWS_S3_BUCKET Name of the S3 bucket. No
AWS_S3_REGION Region of the S3 bucket. No
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT Endpoint for the S3 service. No


Creating S3 bucket

  1. Go to S3 console
  2. Click Create bucket and configure your bucket settings:
    • Region: eu-central-1 (since it's closest to us)
    • choose unique bucket name
    • ACLs: disabled
    • Block all public access: Off (all access should be blocked since we'll be accessing to through the signing key)
    • bucket versioning: disable
    • default encryption: server-side encryption
  3. You'll need to input the bucket name and region name in the Railway backup deployment form.

Obtaining AWS access key id and secret access key

@tjazerzen and @viddrobnic are admins of the AWS account, so they can provide you the secrets.

Here's how to obtain them:

  1. Go to IAM console
  2. Click on Users in the left sidebar and choose your user
  3. Click on Security credentials tab
  4. Click on Create access key and save the Access key ID and Secret access key somewhere safe