
Cookiecutter template for a Terragrunt-style shared service module

MIT LicenseMIT


Powered by Cookiecutter, this is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Terragrunt shared service modules quickly.


  • Tests the module on GitHub Actions
  • Automatically generates and injects documentation into README
  • Uses Dependabot for automatic version updates
  • Terraform version managed via ASDF
  • Provides a changelog using Keep a Changelog format


Let's pretend you want to create a module called "terraform-kubernetes-cluster". Rather than starting from scratch, get cookiecutter to do all the work.

The recommended way to install Cookiecutter is using ASDF:

asdf install

Alternatively, you can install it using pip or Homebrew:

pip install cookiecutter
brew install cookiecutter

Now, you can create a module. You will be asked some basic info (module name, description etc.), which will be used to customize the template:

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/zerodayyy/cookiecutter-terragrunt-module.git
module_name [terragrunt-example-module]: terragrunt-kubernetes-cluster
module_description []: Terragrunt module for bootstrapping a Kubernetes cluster with ArgoCD

The module will be created in terragrunt-kubernetes-cluster directory. Enter it and take a look around:

$ cd terragrunt-kubernetes-cluster
$ ls -1A

Now you can start developing the module — use main.tf as your starting point. You can also initialize the module directory as a Git repo:

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /.../terraform-kubernetes-cluster/.git/