
Keepsake - This is Open Source Wiki written in Go, aims for simplicity over complexity. It is actively maintained and serves as Go development project.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Go Report Card


This is Open Source Wiki written in Go, aims for simplicity over complexity. It is actively maintained and serves as Go development project.

The idea is to keep the Wiki as close to the standard libraries as possible, avoiding using any unnecessary third party libraries.

Use Keepsake in OpenShift

Clone the keepsake into your own Filesystem

git clone git@github.com:zerodayz/keepsake.git



Change directory to keepsake

cd keepsake

Build Keepsake server

oc apply -f keepsake-deploy.yaml
oc get route -n keepsake
NAME       HOST/PORT                                   PATH   SERVICES       PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
keepsake   keepsake-keepsake.apps.example.com          /      keepsake-svc   <all>   edge          None

The default port the wiki is listening on is 443. Navigate to https://keepsake-keepsake.apps.example.com and enjoy.

Use Keepsake in Docker

Server without SSL

Run the DB container

docker run --name gowiki-mysql -v $PWD/data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:Z -p 3306:3306/tcp -p 80:80/tcp -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=roottoor -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gowiki -e MYSQL_USER=gowiki -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=gowiki55 -d mariadb:latest

Run the Keepsake container

docker run -d --network container:gowiki-mysql -e KEEPSAKE_DISABLE_SSL=1 --name keepsake quay.io/zerodayz/keepsake

The default port the wiki is listening on is 80. Navigate to http://localhost and enjoy.

Server with SSL

Run the DB container

docker run --name gowiki-mysql -v $PWD/data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:Z -p 3306:3306/tcp -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=roottoor -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gowiki -e MYSQL_USER=gowiki -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=gowiki55 -d mariadb:latest

Run the Keepsake container

Install TLS/SSL Cert

mkdir certs
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out certs/server.key
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key certs/server.key -out certs/server.crt -days 3650

This will generate server.key and server.crt for your Keepsake server.

docker run -d --network container:gowiki-mysql -v $PWD/certs:/certs:Z -e KEEPSAKE_SSL_KEY=/certs/server.key -e KEEPSAKE_SSL_CERT=/certs/server.crt --name keepsake quay.io/zerodayz/keepsake

The default port the wiki is listening on is 443. Navigate to https://localhost and enjoy.

Use Keepsake in Baremetal

Run the DB container

docker run --name gowiki-mysql -v $PWD/data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:Z -p 3306:3306/tcp -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=roottoor -e MYSQL_DATABASE=gowiki -e MYSQL_USER=gowiki -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=gowiki55 -d mariadb:latest

Clone the keepsake into your own Filesystem

git clone git@github.com:zerodayz/keepsake.git



Change directory to keepsake

cd keepsake

Server without SSL

Build Keepsake server

go build wiki.go

Run keepsake

./wiki --no-ssl

The default port the wiki is listening on is 80. Navigate to http://localhost and enjoy.

Server with SSL

Install TLS/SSL Cert

mkdir certs
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out certs/server.key
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key certs/server.key -out certs/server.crt -days 3650

This will generate server.key and server.crt for your Keepsake server.

Build Keepsake server

go build wiki.go

Run keepsake


The default port the wiki is listening on is 443. Navigate to https://localhost and enjoy.