
emacs helm interface to everything

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Emacs-helm is an awesome completion and selection interface for Emacs. and everything (http://www.voidtools.com/) is an ultra fast tool to find files on NTFS file system. and this helm-everything is a bridge between Emacs-helm and everything search engine .

warning : this is just a practice for Emacs-lisp programing. I should give special thanks to Martin Weinig mokkaee@gmail.com for everything.el.....

to get this working , you should have "everything" installed, and put "es.exe", command line version of everything, into your PATH. on the other hand , Helm should be installed within Emacs.


put these following lines into your .emacs file :

(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/helm-everything.el") (require 'helm-everything)

#Basic Usage # just

M-x helm-everything


  1. provide es.exe parameter support
  2. provide more actions after selection
  3. avoid lagging, since Emacs is single-thread.