
Replicate and sync Kafka topics between clusters in realtime. Supports topic re-mapping, healthchecks, and hot failovers for high availability.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


kaf-relay is an opinionated, high performance program for keeping Kafka clusters in sync by replicating topics. It is specfically designed for high-availability with background healthchecks, offset tracking, and topic lag checks.


  • Topic Forwarding: Relay consumes messages from topics in one Kafka cluster and forwards them to topics in another Kafka cluster.
  • Authentication: PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512
  • Topic Remapping: Relay allows you to specify topic remappings, enabling you to map a topic from the source cluster to a different topic in the destination cluster.
  • Consumer group failover: Given identical Kafka instances (separate nodes 1...N) at the upstream, instantly switch over to the next node in a round-robin fashion on current node failure. Offset tracking between source and target nodes allows de-duplication without external stores.
  • Topic lag failover: Monitors offsets amongst N identical nodes to detect lags and to instantly switch upstream consumer nodes.
  • Stop at end: Flag --stop-at-end allows the program to stop after reaching the end of consumer topic offsets that was picked up on boot.
  • Filter messages using go plugins: Flag --filter allows the program to filter messages based on the logic in plugin code.

kaf-relay in different modes



  • Go installed.
  • Access to the source and destination Kafka clusters.


git clone https://github.com/zerodha/kaf-relay.git
cd kaf-relay
make dist


To run Relay, follow these steps:

Create a configuration file named config.toml with the necessary settings. You can use the provided config.example.toml file as a template.

./kaf-relay.bin --config config.toml --mode <single/failover>

Filter plugins

Build your own filter plugins by implementing filter.Provider interface.


package main

import (

type TestFilter struct {

type Config struct {

func New(b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	var cfg Config
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &TestFilter{}, nil

func (f *TestFilter) ID() string {
	return "testfilter"

func (f *TestFilter) IsAllowed(msg []byte) bool {
	return false
  • Copy this plugin code to a directory. mkdir testfilter && cp sample.go testfilter
  • Build the plugin. CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -a -ldflags="-s -w" -buildmode=plugin -o testfilter.filter sample.go
  • Change the config.toml to add the filter provider config.
  • Run kaf-relay with the filter pluing. ./kaf-relay.bin --mode single --stop-at-end --filter ./testfilter/testfilter.filter


Replication metrics are exposed through a HTTP server.

$ curl localhost:7081/metrics
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="0"} 44
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="1"} 100
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="2"} 100
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="3"} 44
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="4"} 44
kafka_relay_msg_count{source="topicA", destination="machineX_topicA", partition="5"} 100