Make easy management bit-flags on javascripts.
npm i BitFlagJs
Initializes the bitmask value with the array value passed as an argument value. Default is [0].
Returns a bit-masked array of numbers.
let bitFlags = new BitFlags();
bitFlags.set(2); // [0x00000010, 0x00000000]
bitFlags.set(1); // [0x00000011, 0x00000000]
bitFlags.set(35) // [0x00000011, 0x00001000]
Check whether the bit corresponding to the index value is masked.
let bitFlags = new BitFlags([3]); // [0x00000011]
const isMaskedFirstBit =; // true
const isMaskedSecondBit =; // true
const isMaskedThirdBit =; // false
The bit corresponding to the index value is masked.
let bitFlags = new BitFlags(); // [0x00000000]
bitFlags.set(0); // [0x00000001]
bitFlags.set(1); // [0x00000011]
bitFlags.set(4); // [0x00001011]
Unmask the bit corresponding to the index value.
let bitFlags = new BitFlags([3]); // [0x00000011]
bitFlags.unset(0); // [0x00000010]
bitFlags.unset(1); // [0x00000000]