
Advanced minecraft bot framework

Primary LanguageJava


Advanced minecraft bot framework for in-chat commands, features & more, the only limit is your creativity! Entirely made in java.


The framework is built using gradle. Simply clone the project and use gradlew build to build it.

For users

Botframework functions a lot like a bukkit server. It'll generate a plugins folder, load any plugins (bots) from there and connect to a server. All you have to do is put the desired plugins in the plugins folder, fire up botframework and you're ready to go.

For developers

You'll be making what's known as a plugin. Plugins are basically the content of your bot. This includes WHAT your commands do, WHICH commands there are etc.. The framework handles everything such as authentication, chat processing, connection etc, and you do the rest.

Getting started

For users

Botframework doesn't have a GUI, and is entirely log-based. This means you'll have to use a command prompt to run it. Create a .bat file in the same directory as your botframework jar. In it, use java to run the framework like so: java -jar BotFramework.jar (Note: change BotFramework.jar to what your jar is called) However, this will get angry at you for missing some information. We have to append:

  • The server to connect to
  • Your credentials
    • The username or email to authenticate with
    • The password to log in with
  • Any additional parameters (reference Parameters)

We define them this way: java -jar BotFramework.jar -username <name> -password <password> -ip <ip>


  • Proxy -proxy Proxy to connect through
  • Proxy port -proxyport Proxy port to connect through
  • Debug mode -debug Enables debug mode (more information)
  • IP -ip IP to connect to
  • Port -port Port to connect through
  • Verify users -verifyusers Force authentication. Will disable use of cracked accounts.
  • Skip connection test -skiptest Will disable checking for server availability before joining
  • Locale -locale Loads another locale. Default en_us

For developers

Prerequisites for the framework to load your plugin

  • A package with name META-INF.services containing a file named me.zeroeightsix.botframework.plugin.Plugin
    • File contains path to your plugins main class
  • A main class extending me.zeroeightsix.botframework.plugin.Plugin

Getting started with your main class

Documentation not yet made :( Check the example if it's up yet?