
A small tool to rename files using regular expressions

Primary LanguageJava


A small tool to rename files using regular expressions. Not really meant for production. Just a small program I made for fun.

Installing on linux

git clone https://github.com/zeroeightysix/java-mass-move/
cd java-mass-move
./gradlew build
cd build/libs
echo -e "#!/bin/bash\njava -jar $PWD/jmm.jar -d \"\$PWD\" \"\$@\"" > jmm
chmod +x jmm
sudo mv jmm /usr/bin/

Will create a script jmm that references the current location of jmm.jar and executes it. Puts it in /usr/bin so you can use it anywhere as if a normal command.


Usage: jmm [-chnorsvV] [-fv] [-d=<directory>] SELECTOR TARGET PROCESSORS...
      SELECTOR             Regex to find targeted files
      TARGET               Regex to rename files to
      PROCESSORS...        Reference modifiers
  -c, --confirm            Ask for confirmation upon acting on a file
  -d, --directory=<directory>
                           Defines the working directory of JMM
      -fv, --fineverbose   Fine verbose mode.
  -h, --help               Show this help message and exit.
  -n, --noact              Do everything but act on files
  -o, --no-overwrite       Do not overwrite files
  -r, --recursive          Recursively check directories
  -s, --stacks             Print stack traces
  -v, --verbose            Verbose mode.
  -V, --version            Print version information and exit.

SELECTOR: Any file matching this regex will be targeted by JMM.

TARGET: What to rename all targeted files to. To reference groups from their original name (originating from the SELECTOR regex), use $<group number>.

PROCESSORS: See processors below. In short: these modify all references to groups in TARGET

--confirm: Before renaming a file, jmm will ask for confirmation, displaying the original and new name.

--directory: Sets the directory where JMM will search for files.

-fv: Fine verbose mode. Displays all logging.

--help: Shows all arguments

--noact: Do everything but don't actually move files: helpful if you'd like to check your results first.

-o: Don't overwrite already existing files.

--recursive: Searches subdirectories of the specified working directory (-d) as well.

--stacks: Show java exception stack traces instead of simple error messages.

--verbose: Show logging.

--version: Shows your current JMM version


Processors modify the value of references to groups in your TARGET regex. Say, you have a file birthday_cats.jpg, which you would like to be renamed to Birthday cats.jpg, use REMOVE_SNAKE and then NORMAL_CASE:

jmm "(.*)\.jpg" "$1.jpg" REMOVE_SNAKE_CASE NORMAL_CASE


  • Match birthday_cats.jpg where $1 is birthday_cats
    • birthday_cats -> birthday cats
    • birthday cats -> Birthday cats
  • Move birthday_cats.jpg to Birthday cats.jpg ($1.jpg)

note: Processors are applied in the order they are supplied, and each takes in the output of the previous processor.

Existing processors

Name Operator Example
REMOVE_SNAKE_CASE Replaces _ with a space birthday_catbirthday cat
TITLE_CASE Capitalises every character after a space birthday catBirthday Cat
NORMAL_CASE Capitalises the very first character birthday catBirthday cat
LOWER_CASE_FIRST Lowercase every character after a space BIRTHDAY CATbIRTHDAY cAT
UPPERCASE Convert all to uppercase bIrtHdAy CaTBIRTHDAY CAT
LOWERCASE Convert all to lowercase bIrtHdAy CaTbirthday cat
REMOVE_SPACES Removes all spaces Birthday catBirthdaycat


Removing branding from files

From To
[EPIC_BRAND] 01 epicSong.mp4 01 epicSong.mp4
[EPIC_BRAND] 02 dopeSong.mp4 02 dopeSong.mp4
[EPIC_BRAND] 03 litSong.mp4 01 litSong.mp4
... ...
jmm "\[.*\](.*)" "$1"

Re-casing poorly named files

From To
THE RISING.mp3 The rising.mp3
THE DOWNFALL.mp3 The downfall.mp3
... ...