Source code for ICASSP 2022 paper "MM-DFN: Multimodal Dynamic Fusion Network For Emotion Recognition in Conversations"
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About iemocap_feature.pkl
#8 opened by zhanglina94 - 2
About the processed data
#13 opened by wuxy07 - 2
MELD dataset
#10 opened by JiNan0831 - 4
couldn't reproduce the result on IEMOCAP
#7 opened by jellyfishovo - 3
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你好 请问还有多久才开放代码呢
#1 opened by RequiemCJ - 1
Open source code
#3 opened by jetwu-create - 1
Dear, this work is nice! Wait for Open source code provided for other workers to learning!
#4 opened by TianlinZhang668