Source code for SEKE 2020 paper "SLK-NER: Exploiting Second-order Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese NER"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Source code for SEKE 2020 paper "SLK-NER: Exploiting Second-order Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese NER"


python == 3.6.10
torch == 1.3.1
numpy == 1.17.4
seqeval == 0.0.12
tqdm == 4.40.0

How to use


The original datasets can be found at OntoNotes, Weibo and Resume.

Input format:

BMES tag scheme, with each character its label for one line. Sentences are splited with a null line.

  美   B-LOC  
  国   E-LOC  
  的   O  
  华   B-PER  
  莱   M-PER  
  士   E-PER  
  我   O  
  跟   O  
  他   O  
  谈   O  
  笑   O  
  风   O  
  生   O   

Pretrained Embeddings

Character embeddings: chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12
Word embeddings: ctb.50d.vec


bash run_ner.sh


author={Dou Hu and Lingwei Wei},
title={SLK-NER: Exploiting Second-order Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese NER},
journal={The 32nd International Conference on Software & Knowledge Engineering},