
A tutorial on the Reader, Writer, State, and RWS monad instances

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


A Haskell addendum to @TatumCreative's presentation "Killing JavaScript's this - Practical Functional Programming".

Setting up

To follow along, you should have GHC and Cabal installed. @bitemyapp has a nice community-maintained guide on how to setup GHC and Cabal for various operating systems (note: you should not install haskell-platform that is typically available in package repositories). Make sure that the cabal binary is in your path, then clone this repository, create a sandbox in which to install dependencies, and start a REPL.

$ git clone https://github.com/zerokarmaleft/reader-writer-state
$ cd reader-writer-state
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal repl

The last command - cabal repl - launches GHCi (an interactive session with GHC, the compiler), and Cabal ensures that the dependencies of the project as well as the code of the project itself is made fully available. The GHCi prompt itself should look like:


The "Prelude" means that GHCi has loaded the Haskell Prelude module, which you can regard as a relatively small standard library.


Let's start by creating a purely functional logger. You want a pure function that implements some useful computation and returns a value, yet also logs some messages elsewhere so that you have an accounting for things that were done. At first glance, logging seems intrinsically un-pure.

You can easily write log messages out to the console in JavaScript:

function Logger(message) {
  this.count = 0;
  this.message = message;

Logger.prototype.log = function() {
  console.log(this.count + ":" + this.message);

If we decompose the functionality of log into separate parts, perhaps we can build it back up in a purely functional style and gain insight along the way.

What's the type of the log function? It accepts no arguments and returns no result. In Haskell, the type might be expressed as () -> () where () is pronounced 'unit'. log is invoked solely for its side effects of printing a message to the console. It also tracks how many times it's been invoked, and includes the count as part of the message.

A pure function must return a value, so let's rewrite log to return a pair containing the state of the log, and the value log normally returns (which is ()). If we were to represent the state of our log with a simple string, then the type of our pure log function would be () -> (String, ()).

In Haskell, this is a standard abstraction and it's called Writer. A simplified type definition for Writer might look like this:

newtype Writer w a = Writer w a

where w is the type of the log - the values we want to accumulate - and a is the type of the return value for the pure computation. In our case, w is just a String. We still want logged computations to be able to return any type of value, so we leave the a type parameter untouched. Let's create a type synonym so our intent is a bit clearer.

type PureLogger a = Writer String a

Anywhere we would write Writer String a, we can write PureLogger a instead. A value with this type implies that it is a purely functional, logged computation that returns a value of type a.

One of Writer's operations, tell, writes values of type w to our log. Since PureLogger is a synonym for Writer, all of Writer's operations work equivalently with PureLogger. Let's write a simple helper function for logging string messages:

logMessage1 :: String -> PureLogger a
logMessage1 message =
  do tell $ message ++ "\n"
     return ()

We've added a bit of extra logic to append a newline for each message written to the log. I'll explain why this is necessary shortly. Now, in GHCi, we can see what happens by invoking logMessage1:

Prelude> logMessage1 "hello"
WriterT (Identity ((),"hello\n"))

Evaluating logMessage1 "hello" returns a pure value. It's wrapped inside a couple of curious looking constructors which are out of the scope of this write-up, but if we look carefully, we notice that the payload is the pair we expect.

GHCi resolves type synonyms fully before displaying them. PureLogger a is a synonym for Writer String a, and Writer String a is a synonym for WriterT String Identity a. Hence, instead of displaying PureLogger ((),"hello\n"), GHCi resolves the synonyms and displays WriterT (Identity ((),"hello\n")). Writer has an operation, runWriter, that returns the payload.

Prelude> runWriter (logMessage1 "hello")

What happens when we invoke logMessage1 twice?

Prelude> runWriter (do { logMessage1 "hello"; logMessage1 "goodbye" })

You can see that both of our messages are logged. When we decide to actually print out the log value, we want each message to be printed on its own line, which is why we append newlines to a message in the implementation of logMessage1. Notice also that the messages in the log value are in the same order as the calls to logMessage1. Writer preserves the ordering by concatenating each new message onto the end of the log state from the previous invocation of logMessage1.

Let's say that we to use our logger to track the progress of a pure, two-stage computation.

sumOfSquares :: Int -> Int -> Int
sumOfSquares x y = (x * x) + (y * y)

sumOfSquares is, of course, a pure function that returns the sum of the squares of x and y. If we call sumOfSquares on 4 and 5, we'll get back a normal Int value:

Prelude> sumOfSquares 4 5

Now let's add logging:

sumOfSquares1 :: Int -> Int -> PureLogger Int
sumOfSquares1 x y =
  do logMessage1 $ "Input parameters: " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y
     let xSquared = x * x
         ySquared = y * y
     logMessage1 $ "Squaring first parameter: " ++ show xSquared
     logMessage1 $ "Squaring second parameter: " ++ show ySquared
     return $ xSquared + ySquared

This looks quite a bit busier, but we're making use of temporary variables and logMessage1 in sumOfSquares1 to log the input parameters and the intermediate, squared results without repeating calculations. The return value is a pair, with the result of the sum as the first element, and the result of the log state as the second element.

Let's check it out in GHCi:

Prelude> runWriter (sumOfSquares 4 5)
(41,"Input parameters: 4 and 5\nSquaring first parameter: 16\nSquaring second parameter: 25\n")

One of the benefits of this approach in typed languages that support Writer (e.g. Haskell, Scala), is that logging messages is purely functional. That is, sumOfSquares1 doesn't require complicated state to be initialized before testing it. sumOfSquares1 always returns the same value if given the same input parameters. If the log were actually written out to the console, then we could need some form of complicated testing harness to capture that output.

Even better, the fact that we are capturing the effect of logging in sumOfSquares1 is made explicit from its type signature. Compare the type signatures of sumOfSquares and sumOfSquares1:

Prelude> :type sumOfSquares
sumOfSquares :: Int -> Int -> Int
Prelude> :type sumOfSquares1
sumOfSquares1 :: Int -> Int -> PureLogger Int