Hacky Pi Handout 🤖

This repository contains context information to the security challenges created in https://github.com/nimarty/hackypi/.


General Setup

You get a Raspberry Pi together with a prepared SD card for this training. A minimal image is provided that enables to install challenge packages from a OPKG server. To do so, connect the Raspberry Pi to a network with a DHCP server or directly to your computer. For the second option, you temporarely need access to the UART interface in order to set a static IP address in the file /etc/dhcpcd.conf by adding those two lines in the end:

interface eth0
static ip_address=

Remove the UART interface afterwards and try to solve the challenges only over the network connection. Do always remove the challenge's package as mentioned in each cleanup section in the documentation. You should never have two challenges installed simultaneously.


For each security challenge there should be a folder with the same name in this repository, e.g. chatty-charly, or relaxed-rachel. If a challenge requires some precompiled binaries to run under Linux, they should be placed together with documentation in the subdirectory.