
kotlin wrapper for jsonbin.io

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Ksonbin is a kotlin wrapper for jsonbin.io (A free JSON storage and JSON hosting service)

Made with ktor for light dependencies and 100% kotlin ❤️



kotlinx-serialization gradle plugin is required for JSON serialization/de-serialization

Below is how it can be added with ksonbin, more info here

Kotlin DSL

 plugins {
    kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "1.3.70"
dependency {

Groovy DSL

plugins {
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.3.70'
dependency {
    implementation "in.zeromod:ksonbin:1.0"


Ksonbin is a singleton using object declarations, means statically available to use anywhere and no need to create an instance.

Initialisation that needs run only one time.

Ksonbin.init(secretKey = "YOUR_KEY_HERE")

you can grab a key from jsonbin-keys

API Usage

Recommended reading this first : Jsonbin API reference

Ksonbin Documentation

Quick sample

fun main() {
    val newBin: BinCreate<Chat> = Ksonbin.bin.create(Chat("Hi"))
    //BinCreate(success=true, data=Chat(message=Hi), id=5efcc1f87f16b71d48a96f91, private=true)
    val chat: Chat = Ksonbin.bin.read(newBin.id)

data class Chat(
    val message: String

More samples at KsonbinSample.kt

Android Usage

Due an issue in kotlinx.serialization, we need some modifications here. Hopefully will be fixed soon by commit

For adding this library to android, add the below line in build.gradle (app- level) android block

android {
    //other configs
    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'META-INF/*.kotlin_module'