Specs for building DEB package with Aerospike Server

Adapted to Debian 8 Jessie.


  1. Clone Aerospike (latest version is 3.7.3):
git clone --recursive --branch $VERSION https://github.com/aerospike/aerospike-server.git
  1. Create origin tarball:
tar czf aerospike-server_$VERSION.orig.tar.gz aerospike-server

Note the .git subdirectory must be tar'ed as well.

  1. Copy debian directory to the cloned aerospike-server dir.

  2. Create package with sources:

dpkg-source -b aerospike-server
  1. Build the binary package from the sources:
pbuilder aerospike-server_$VERSION-$RELEASE.dsc
  1. Add build artifacts to the APT repository:
reprepro include $SUITE_NAME aerospike-server_$VERSION-$RELEASE_$ARCH.changes