
Update files for ZeroDown Software


Update files for ZeroDown Software

  • ZeroDown Software Update Utility

Update 2019-06-26

Updated Downloads link to HTTPS.

Update 2019-05-13

Updated self-signed certificate that expired and prevented switch and node from loading properly

Update 2019-01-31

Fixed local volume mapping for nodes and switches.

Update: 2018-10-04

This update package contains 3 files

update.sh update script to update from version 8.05 and prior

zds-usr.tar update pacakge for ZeroDown Software

zds-etc.tar update package for ZeroDown Software system files

Update: 2018-12-30

Fixes Internet Explorer browser issue with reactive interface

  •  Instructions

1.) Download the update utility to the ZeroDown Software instance. Any SSL Certificates and Configurations will need to be reinstalled/configured. Backup the SSL Certificate prior to updating ZeroDown Software.
Login authentication will revert to default admin credentials.


or from the ZeroDown Software instance:

wget https://downloads.zerodownsoftware.com/zdsupdate/zdsupdate.tar

2.) Unpack the compressed update utility scripts and files

tar xvf zdsupdate.tar

3.) Run the update script from an elevated user

sudo ./update.sh

4.) Restart the services with the following commands:

sudo zds-ui restart

sudo zerodown restart