
smart nav-tabs, useful for iframe and ajax content

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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default (with left/right/option button)

Demo: nav-tabs and nav-pills Multi Tabs Screenshot

classic (fold hidden tabs)

Demo: nav-tabs and nav-pills Multi Tabs Screenshot


Demo: nav-tabs and nav-pills Multi Tabs Screenshot

Role and Benefits

  1. Zero configuration and auto ajax / iframe
  2. Can use the templates of bootstrap
  3. Can refresh window, and all the tabs will keep same as before.
  4. Navigation tab draggable.
  5. While maxTabs : 1 or small screen, hide the tab header.


  1. Bootstrap
  2. JQuery
  3. Font Awesone


  1. Add multitabs's CSS in the head
<!-- Multi Tabs -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/bootstrap-multitabs/css/style.css">
  1. Add multitabs's JS in the bottom ot body
<!-- Multi Tabs -->
<script src="plugins/bootstrap-multitabs/js/multitabs.js"></script>
  1. Bind the content wrapper
  1. At last, add "multitabs" class in the link which you want.
<a class="multitabs" href="pages/index-ajax-2.html">ajax INFO Tab 2</a>

** Now, the simple bootstrap-multitabs works! **

Advanced setting

Parameter of link

  1. [data-type="info"] content type, can be (main | info), info is the default and the normal one. Main just can be 1 tab.
  2. [data-iframe="true"] iframe mode, default is false. While false, is the auto mode (for the self page, use ajax, and the external, use iframe)
  3. [data-title="new tab"] tab's tittle, if empty or undefined, tab's tittle will be link's text.
  4. [data-url="index.html"] this parameter for the object not link.
  5. [data-refresh="true"] for force refresh

Initial Configuration

The following is the default configuration, you can modify as you want.

        selector : '.multitabs',                    //selector text to trigger multitabs. 
        iframe : false,                             //Global iframe mode, default is false, is the auto mode (for the self page, use ajax, and the external, use iframe)
        class : '',                                 //class for whole multitabs
        refresh: false,                             //set to true for global force refresh tab
        init : [                                    //tabs in initial
                type :'',                           //content type, may be main | info, if empty, default is 'info'
                title : '',                         //title of tab, if empty, show the URL
                content: '',                        //content html, the url value is useless if set the content.
                url : ''                            //URL
            {    /** more tabs**/    },             //add more page.
            {    /** more tabs**/    },             //add more page.
        nav : {
            backgroundColor : '#f5f5f5',            //default nav-bar background color
            class : '',                             //class of nav
            draggable : true,                       //nav tab draggable option
            fixed : false,                          //fixed the nav-bar
            layout : 'default',                     //it can be 'default', 'classic' (all hidden tab in dropdown list), and simple
            maxTabs : 15,                           //Max tabs number (without counting main tab), when is 1, hide the whole nav
            maxTitleLength : 25,                    //Max title length of tab
            showCloseOnHover : true,                //while is true, show close button in hover, if false, show close button always
            style : 'nav-tabs',                     //can be nav-tabs or nav-pills
        content : {
            ajax : {
                class : '',                         //Class for ajax tab-pane
                error : function (htmlCallBack) {
                    //modify html and return
                    return htmlCallBack;
                success : function (htmlCallBack) {
                    //modify html and return
                    return htmlCallBack;
            iframe : {
                class : ''                          //Class for iframe tab-pane 
        language : {                                //language setting
            nav : {
                title : 'Tab',                                  //default tab's tittle
                dropdown : '<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>',        //right tools dropdown name
                showActivedTab : 'Show Activated Tab',          //show active tab
                closeAllTabs : 'Close All Tabs',                //close all tabs
                closeOtherTabs : 'Close Other Tabs',            //close other tabs

Attention for iframe

  1. For iframe's auto-height, please add CSS as blew to your page. .content-wrapper is the selector using multitabs. .wrapper is parent of .content-wrapper , all parent of wrapper multitabs must add height: 100%
<style type="text/css">
    body.full-height-layout .wrapper,
        height: 100%;
    body.full-height-layout .content-wrapper{           /*the wrrapper using multitabs*/
        height: calc(100% - 140px)                      /*Excluding header and footer's height, for AdminLTE, total is 140px*/
  1. create tab with iframe's object:
        iframe : true,                                //iframe mode, default is false. While false, is the auto mode (for the self page, use ajax, and the external, use iframe)
        title : 'open by iframe',                     //title of tab, if empty, show the URL
        url : 'pages/index-2.html'                    //URL, if it's external link, content type change to 'info'
    }, true);                                         //true for active tab