
A frugal approach to synthesis with a 40106 IC

Hand Turned Synthesis: A One Chip Exploration of CMOS Electronics

The Respository is a collection of circuits build around the CD40106BE IC, which is used for audio synthesis. The folders above contain the toolkit and the KiCad files for the Monophonic Subtractive Synth. Below the abstract are creative outputs of the toolkit in the authors' projects.

The paper was presented at NIME24 in Utrecht, Netherlands: https://www.nime2024.org/programDetails.php?id=1505


We discuss and give a concise overview of the historical practices and approaches to utilising budget-friendly electronic components as a foundation for constructing simple sound making circuits. Building on the work of Lunetta, Collins and Wilson we focus specifically on the use of a 40106 CMOS integrated circuit (IC). Our research goal is to provide a tool kit of circuits for common synthesis elements based around the use of a single 40106 IC that may be of use to those involved in sound installations and frugal instrument design as well as practitioners working within accessibility and workshop/pedagogical scenarios. The authors demonstrate the application of the tool kit in their own projects, such as a monophonic synthesizer as well as several hand cranked sculptures that are powered and ‘played’ by the interaction between the user and the hand crank. Overall, we gather a broad range of relevant information that is difficult to find in one place and provide a practical tool kit that is pitched at an introductory level and describe how this is incorporated into the design of interactive electronic instruments. We also attempt to highlight fundamental electronics and synthesis principles while embracing terminology common to both electronics and synthesizer communities.

Toolkit Outputs

1: T.H.E.M. (The Handmade Electric Machines) are human-powered electronic sound sculptures exploring the generation of electronic sound through the transference of energy from human kinetic action. Click image below to view video


2: Portable Hand Cranked Synth: A portable version of T.H.E.M was also developed (above) resulting in a hand cranked patchable mono synth that utilises the building blocks and circuit design in the toolkit. It is a portable version of one of the voices in T.H.E.M. Since many of the patches involve oscillation and voltage sources, which vary over time, the varying of voltage creates interesting patterns and pitch variations in relation to the pattern and speed. of crank rotation. Click image below to view video


3: The Monophonic Subtractive Synthesizer usees the six building blocks of the toolkit consisting of a VCO, two LFO’s, a VCF, a VCA and an ENV building block, but patched in a creative way. Each ‘module’ is able to patched to one another with a 3.5mm connector or used without, in which a preset patch is normalled. The layout is such due to the constraints of designing for a single sided PCB board, which was hand etched, drilled and populated by the authors. It is noted that a revised layout would be less idiosyncratic and follow more standard synthesizer layout conventions. Click image below to view video