
🚧 Twitter bot of Virgil Abloh and Off-White

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bot available ⇒ @virgilablohbot

A Twitter bot who's tweets are
indistinguishable from the real @virgilabloh

A small project I decided to work on to learn more NodeJS and the Twitter API, as well as celebrate Virgil and his accomplishments.


The bot uses Wordnik's randomWord API to retrieve random words. Images are then fetched from Unplash's random API, which is then added on to a canvas src using Node-Canvas. The random word is then formatted and added on top of the canvas. Once complete, the canvas is converted to base 64, which is required for uploading/posting to Twitter using the Twit library.


Clone the repo then install the dependencies using:

npm install

You will need to create a config.js file in the root for your Twitter credentials. Inside should look something like:

module.exports = {
  consumer_key: '...',
  consumer_secret: '...',
  access_token: '...',
  access_token_secret: '...'


I do not own any of these photos. Please note that all images and copyrights belong to their original owners. No copyright infringement intended.


Daniel Rica - @REEKAH - danrica92@gmail.com
