
Unofficial TriPay.co.id Integration Kit for PHP

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Unofficial TriPay.co.id Integration Kit for PHP

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  • PHP v7.2.5+
  • PHP JSON Extension
  • PHP cURL Extension


  1. Run command
composer require zerosdev/tripay-sdk-php



require 'path/to/your/vendor/autoload.php';

use ZerosDev\TriPay\Client as TriPayClient;
use ZerosDev\TriPay\Support\Constant;
use ZerosDev\TriPay\Support\Helper;
use ZerosDev\TriPay\Transaction;

$merchantCode = 'T12345';
$apiKey = 'd1cfd***********888ed3';
$privateKey = 'd1cfd***********888ed3';
$mode = Constant::MODE_DEVELOPMENT;
$guzzleOptions = []; // Your additional Guzzle options (https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/stable/request-options.html)

$client = new TriPayClient($merchantCode, $apiKey, $privateKey, $mode, $guzzleOptions);
$transaction = new Transaction($client);

 * `amount` will be calculated automatically from order items
 * so you don't have to enter it
 * In this example, amount will be 40.000
$result = $transaction
    ->addOrderItem('Gula', 10000, 1)
    ->addOrderItem('Kopi', 6000, 5)
        'method' => 'BRIVA',
        'merchant_ref' => 'INV123',
        'customer_name' => 'Nama Pelanggan',
        'customer_email' => 'email@konsumen.id',
        'customer_phone' => '081234567890',
        'expired_time' => Helper::makeTimestamp('6 HOUR'), // see Supported Time Units

echo $result->getBody()->getContents();

* For debugging purpose
$debugs = $client->debugs();
echo json_encode($debugs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);

Please check the /examples for the other examples

Supported Time Units

❗ All time units are in a singular noun

  • HOUR
  • DAY