
GO API To Help You Create Hand-Written Parsers - See My 'go_lexer' Project for the Lexer API

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Parser API in Go


The 'go_parser' package is an API to help you create hand-written lexers and parsers.

The package was inspired by Rob Pikes' video Lexical Scanning In Go and golang's 'template' package.


Below is the interface for the main Parser type:

// Parser helps you process lexer tokens
type Parser interface {

	// PeekTokenType allows you to look ahead at tokens without consuming them
	PeekTokenType(int) lexer.TokenType

	// PeekToken allows you to look ahead at tokens without consuming them
	PeekToken(int) *lexer.Token

	// NextToken consumes and returns the next token
	NextToken()    *lexer.Token

	// SkipToken consumes the next token without returning it

	// SkipTokens consumes the next n tokens without returning them

	// BackupToken un-consumes the last token
	BackupToken ()

	// BackupTokens un-consumes the last n tokens

	// ClearTokens clears all consumed tokens

	// Emit emits an object, consuming matched tokens
	Emit (interface{})

	EOF() bool

	// Next retrieves the next emitted item
	Next() interface{}

	// Marker returns a marker that you can use to reset the parser state later
	Marker() *Marker

	// Reset resets the lexer state to the specified marker


Below is a sample calculator program that uses the parser (and lexer) API:

//	calc.go implements a simple calculator using the iNamik lexer and parser api.
//	Input is read from STDIN
//	The input expression is matched against the following pattern:
//	input_exp:
//	( id '=' )? general_exp
//	general_exp:
//		operand ( operator operand )?
//	operand:
//		number | id | '(' general_exp ')'
//	operator:
//		'+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
//	number:
//		digit+ ( '.' digit+ )?
//	digit:
//		['0'..'9']
//	id:
//		alpha ( alpa | digit )*
//	alpha:
//		['a'..'z'] | ['A'..'Z']
//	Precedence is as expected, with '*' and '/' have higher precedence
//	than '+' and '-', as follows:
//	1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5  ==  1 + (2 * 3) - (4 / 5)

package main

import (
import (

// We define our lexer tokens starting from the pre-defined EOF token
const (
	T_EOF   lexer.TokenType = lexer.TokenTypeEOF
	T_NIL                   = lexer.TokenTypeEOF + iota

// To store variables
var vars = map[string] float64 {}

// Single-character tokens
var singleChars  = []byte            { '+'   , '-'    , '*'       , '/'     , '='     , '('         , ')'           }
var singleTokens = []lexer.TokenType { T_PLUS, T_MINUS, T_MULTIPLY, T_DIVIDE, T_EQUALS, T_OPEN_PAREN, T_CLOSE_PAREN }

// Multi-character tokens
var rangeWhitespace = []byte { ' ', '\t' }
var rangeDigits     = lexer.RangeToBytes("0-9")
var rangeAlpha      = lexer.RangeToBytes("a-zA-Z")
var rangeAlphaNum   = lexer.RangeToBytes("0-9a-zA-Z")

// main
func main() {

	// Create a buffered reader from STDIN
	stdin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

	for {
		// Read a line of input
		input, _, err := stdin.ReadLine()

		// Error? we're done
		if nil != err {

		// Anything to process?
		if len(input) > 0 {
			// Create a new lexer to turn the input text into tokens
			l := lexer.NewLexer(lex, strings.NewReader(string(input)), len(input), 2)

			// Create a new parser that feeds off the lexer and generates expression values
			p := parser.NewParser(parse, l, 2)

			// Loop over parser emits
			for i := p.Next() ; nil != i ; i = p.Next() {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", i)

// lex is the starting (and only) StateFn for lexing the input into tokens
func lex(l lexer.Lexer) lexer.StateFn {

	// EOF
	if l.MatchEOF() {
		return nil // We're done here

	// Single-char token?
	if i := bytes.IndexRune(singleChars, l.PeekRune(0)) ; i >= 0 {
		return lex

	switch {

		// Skip whitespace
		case l.MatchOneOrMore(rangeWhitespace) :

		// Number
		case l.MatchOneOrMore(rangeDigits) :
			if l.PeekRune(0) == '.' {
				l.NextRune() // skip '.'
				if ! l.MatchOneOrMore(rangeDigits) {
					printError(l.Column(), "Illegal number format - Missing digits after '.'")

		// ID
		case l.MatchOne(rangeAlpha) && l.MatchNoneOrMore(rangeAlphaNum):

		// Unknown
		default :
			printError(l.Column(), "Unknown Character")

	// See you again soon!
	return lex

// parse tries to execute a general expression from the lexed tokens.
// Returns nil - We only take one pass at the input string
func parse(p parser.Parser) parser.StateFn {

	if p.PeekTokenType(0) != T_EOF {
		// Assignment ( id = general_expression )
		if p.PeekTokenType(0) == T_ID && p.PeekTokenType(1) == T_EQUALS {
			tId := p.NextToken()

			p.SkipToken() // skip '='

			val, ok := pGeneralExpression(p)

			if ok {
				t := p.NextToken()
				if t.Type() != T_EOF {
						printError(t.Column(), "Expecting operator")
				} else {
					id := string(tId.Bytes())
					vars[id] = val
		// General expression
		} else {
			val, ok := pGeneralExpression(p)

			if ok {
				t := p.NextToken()
				if t.Type() != T_EOF {
						printError(t.Column(), "Expecting operator")
				} else {

	p.Emit(nil) // We're done - One pass only

	return nil

// pGeneralExpression is the starting point for parsing a General Expression.
// It is basically a pass-through to pAdditiveExpression, but it feels cleaner
func pGeneralExpression(p parser.Parser) (f float64, ok bool) { return pAdditiveExpression(p) }

// pAdditiveExpression parses [ expression ( ( '+' | '-' ) expression )? ]
func pAdditiveExpression(p parser.Parser) (f float64, ok bool) {

	f, ok = pMultiplicitiveExpression(p)

	if ok {
		t := p.NextToken()
		switch t.Type() {

			// Add (+)
			case T_PLUS :
				r, ok := pAdditiveExpression(p)
				if ok {
					f += r

			// Subtract (-)
			case T_MINUS :
				r, ok := pAdditiveExpression(p)
				if ok {
					f -= r

			// Unknown - Send it back upstream
			default :
				ok = true


// pMultiplicitiveExpression parses [ expression ( ( '*' | '/' ) expression )? ]
func pMultiplicitiveExpression(p parser.Parser) (f float64, ok bool) {

	f, ok = pOperand(p)

	if ok {
		t := p.NextToken()
		switch t.Type() {

			// Multiply (*)
			case T_MULTIPLY :
				r, ok := pMultiplicitiveExpression(p)
				if ok {
					f *= r

			// Divide (/)
			case T_DIVIDE :
				r, ok := pMultiplicitiveExpression(p)
				if ok {
					f /= r

			// Unknown - Send it back upstream
			default :
				ok = true


// pOperand parses [ id | number | '(' expression ')' ]
func pOperand (p parser.Parser) (f float64, ok bool) {

	var err error

	m := p.Marker()
	t := p.NextToken()

	switch t.Type() {

		// ID
		case T_ID :
			var id = string( t.Bytes() )
			f, ok = vars[ id ]
			if !ok {
				printError(t.Column(), fmt.Sprint("id '",id,"' not defined"))
				f = 0.0

		// Number
		case T_NUMBER :
			f, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(t.Bytes()), 64)
			ok = nil == err
			if !ok {
				printError(t.Column(), fmt.Sprint("Error reading number: ", err.Error()))
				f = 0.0

		// '(' Expresson ')'
		case T_OPEN_PAREN :
			f, ok = pGeneralExpression(p)
			if ok {
				t2 := p.NextToken()
				if t2.Type() != T_CLOSE_PAREN {
					printError(t.Column(), "Unbalanced Paren")
					ok = false
					f = 0.0

		// EOF
		case T_EOF:
			printError(t.Column(), "Unexpected EOF - Expecting operand")
			ok = false
			f = 0.0

		// Unknown
			printError(t.Column(), "Expecting operand")
			ok = false
			f = 0.0

	if !ok {


// printError prints an error msg pointing to the specified column of the input.
func printError(col int, msg string) {
	fmt.Print(strings.Repeat(" ", col-1), "^ ", msg, "\n")


To install the package manually

git clone https://github.com/iNamik/go_parser
cd go_parser
gomake install

Or you can install the package via goinstall

goinstall github.com/iNamik/go_parser


go_parser depends on the iNamik go_container queue package and the iNamik go_lexer package:


  • David Farrell