

There are 4 tests in the piazzatest.c file. Most of them come from the ideas in piazza posts.

  • Test 1:

    • A test to check whether you can handle 10 cars with different speed from the same side.
  • Test 2:

  • Test 3:

    • From Piazza 414

    • Each side take turns to make a car enter the road.

  • Test 4:

    • Just Test 3 with a little bit modification (delay).

How to Test

Download piazzatest.c to your pa3/ folder on ieng9 server. Add

piazzatest: piazzatest.c aux.h umix.h mycode3.o
	$(CC) $(FLAGS) -o piazzatest piazzatest.c mycode3.o

to your Makefile. Make the test executable file with command

make piazzatest

And then

./piazzatest <test-id>

where <test-id> is an integer between 1 and 4. You can check the code to see more details.