
A Discord Library written in C++.

Primary LanguageC++

DiscordPP (it's cool)

A Discord API written in C++.


Requirements (I got these through APT)

Install everything (Debian-based distros):

sudo apt install build-essential libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libwebsocketpp-dev libcurlpp-dev

Install everything (Fedora/RHEL-based distros):

sudo dnf install openssl-devel boost-devel cryptopp-devel cryptopp curlpp-devel websocketpp-devel cmake

Included (Git submodules)

Building (Complicated)

  • Download:

    1. Download or git clone Discord++, a Discord++ REST module, and a Discord++ Websocket module.
    2. Place them all in a subdirectory of your project.
  • In CMake:

    1. Add ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(<relative path>) for Discord++ and each module.

    2. Add discordpp and each module to your INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES command.

       INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${discordpp_SOURCE_DIR} ${discordpp-rest-curlpp_SOURCE_DIR} ${discordpp-websocket-websocketpp_SOURCE_DIR})
  • In your code:

    1. Include discordpp/bot.hh and the header file from each submodule.


       #include <discordpp/bot.hh>
       #include <discordpp/rest-curlpp.hh>
       #include <discordpp/websocket-websocketpp.hh>
    2. Create a Bot object, and pass it your token, a REST module, and a Websocket module.

       discordpp::Bot bot(token, std::make_shared<discordpp::RestCurlPPModule>(),std::make_shared<discordpp::WebsocketWebsocketPPModule>());
    3. Add responses to events with the Bot's

      bot.addHandler("MESSAGE_CREATE", [](discordpp::Bot* bot, aios_ptr asio_ios, json msg){
          //Do Stuff
    4. Create an boost::asio::io_service

    5. Initialize the bot object with its init(std::shared_pointer<boost::asio::io_service> asio_ios).

    6. Run the boost::asio::io_service