
I make a P.O.S system with python for my father`s company (Rozeriya Enterprise) using Python. For the database i just use SQLITE for this time because i dont have much knowledge in using cloud database like mysql. I will try to always update this project

Primary LanguagePython

Point Of Sale System made with python

I make a P.O.S system with python for my father company Rozeriya Enterprise using Python. For the database i just use SQLITE for this time because i dont have much knowledge in using cloud database like mysql. I will always update this project

PYTHON 3.8To run this project you can start from session_start.py, and for the database you can change the path at server.py, var SERVER_PATH to actual local db location

I will add a function to access server database

Actually I try to make a database server but I did not know how to do that so I just using my computer to become a host for local network and the database is inside network folder, because of that , the database path it actually my network path

TO EDIT SQLITE DB You need to download DB BROWSER for SQLite
To log in you can use ADMIN to get fully access

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v 2.0


  • Add debugger Note and noted the print debugger
  • Change Print Receipt Path using abspath
  • Add report data in xlsx file (daily report only)
  • The conclution of the report will be write after exit or back to the session window -Add add stock function in cashier window


  • Add debugger Note and noted the print debugger
  • Change path of saved employee photo to data/Employee Data/Employee_Photos


  • Add add stock function in session choice window