
Web app to display and search irc logs

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


rezoirclogs is a small web app that displays irc logs in a beautiful way and provides search.

It's designed to read log files in a format close to irssi's log files, organized in any hierarchy of subdirectories. The filenames should look like #chan_name.20101209.log

It's based on Pyramid, and can be used like any other Pyramid app. Just change the root value in the config file to point to the root of your log files.

I developped it to scratch my own itch, so it may need some tweaking to suit your needs. The code is (hopefully) clean and well-tested, but if you need anything, fell free to contact me.


  • Clone the repository or extract the archive to the folder of your choice. (In the following we'll assume it's $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS)
  • Create a virtualenv where you want with virtualenv --no-site-packages $PATH_TO_VENV (replace $PATH_TO_VENV with whatever you feel appropriate)
  • Activate the virtualenv with source $PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate
  • Install rezoirclogs with pip install -e $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS (-e means that the app will be run straight from the sources directory in $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS instead of copied into the virtualenv; doing this will allow you to update or tweak the app simply by updating the repository)
  • Adjust the root parameter in development.ini and/or production.ini to match the path where your logs files are stored
  • Execute pserve production.ini to start the builtin webserver, which by default listens on the port 6543. Check if everything is running fine.

Apache Configuration

If the application is correctly installed (see above), it is possible to have it run as a WSGI application through Apache.

First, edit $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS/pyramid.wsgi and set the correct path to the rezoirclogs application:

application = get_app('$PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS/production.ini', 'main')

Then you need to add a VirtualHost or alias for your WSGI application. Here is a configuration example for a VirtualHost, with HTTP Auth Basic password protection. Don't forget to replace $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS and $PATH_TO_VENV with the actual values, and edit it to suit your needs.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName irclogs.example.org

    <Directory "$PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

        AuthName        "Logs IRC"
        AuthType        Basic
        AuthUserFile    auth.users
        Satisfy         All
        Require         valid-user

        AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Limit

        Options -ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks -Includes -IncludesNOEXEC -Indexes

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access_irclogs.log vhost_combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error_irclogs.log

    <IfModule wsgi_module>
        WSGIProcessGroup pyramid
        WSGIApplicationGroup irclogs
        WSGIPassAuthorization On
        WSGIDaemonProcess pyramid user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=4 \
        WSGIScriptAlias / $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS/pyramid.wsgi

The user under which will be executed the WSGI application must have read permissions on the directory where the irc logs lie (i.e. in the above configuration example, www-data must be able to read the directory set up in production.ini).

Further Tweaking

If the log files are not parsed correctly by rezoirclogs, modify the regular expressions in $PATH_TO_REZOIRCLOGS/rezoirclogs/utils.py to match the format of your log files (variable _regex in the LogLine class).
