Zerynth ZDM Client Python Library

A python library that emulates a device for the ZDM (Zerynth Device Manager). The library permits: to connect to the ZDM, to send data and to receive jobs.


The latest stable version is available on PyPI. Either add zdm-client-py to your requirements.txt file or install with pip:

pip install zdm-client-py==1.0.1


Follow the steps:

  1. Login to the Zerynyth Cloud

  2. Select a workspace

  3. Create a device. "Devices" -> "New" -> "Device"

  4. Generate the credentials file for the device and save it locally. Select a Device -> "Security" -> "Confirm" -> "Download" (the file is named zdevice.json).

  5. Create a new folder and add the following files:

    • The device credential zdevice.json file.
    • A Python file zdm_basic.py containing the following script:
    import zdm
    import random
    import time
    def pub_temp_hum():
        # this function publish into the tag weather two random values: the temperature and the humidity
        tag = 'weather'
        temp = random.randint(19, 38)
        hum = random.randint(50, 70)
        payload = {'temp': temp, 'hum': hum}
        device.publish(payload, tag)
        print('Published: ', payload)
    # connect to the ZDM using credentials in zdevice.json file
    device = zdm.ZDMClient()
    # infinite loop
    while True:
  6. Run the example python zdm_basic.py

  7. In the example, the Client connects to the Cloud and it sends an infinite stream of messages every 5 second. Every message is published with a tag "weather" containing a random temperature and humidity.

You can find other examples in the data/examples folder.