
Custom cells plugin with auction house system for Lemmett.

Primary LanguageJava


Custom cells plugin with auction house system for Lemmett.

Config: Here


  • /Cells (Basic Command)
  • /Cells Groupadd [group name] [permission] (Groupname per cellward and a permission node that makes it where they can only rent cells in that group) (when permission gets removed their cell gets unrented)
  • /Cells AHPos1 and AHPos2 (set the 2 positions of the AH area)
  • /Cells AHCreate [Name] (creates the AH region)
  • /Cells create [name] [price] [group] [auction name/none] (Creates a cell with name, price, group it belongs too, and auction house the cell belongs to if stated)
  • /Cells setdays [intvalue] [cellid/group/all] (changes the amount of days the cells can be rented to for)
  • /Cells setcost [intvalue] [cellid/group/all] (changes the amount of money the cell can be rented for)
  • /Cells sethome [cellid] (sets cell home)
  • /Cells home (pretty simple explanation of what this does)
  • /Cells addsign [cellid] (Sets the sign the player is looking at to the cell)
  • /Cells removesign (removes a cell from a sign that the player is looking at)
  • /Cells refreshsigns
  • /Cells rent [cellid] (Rents the cell) (Owner command only [Perm based only])
  • /Cells unrent (Unrents the cell) (Owner command only [Perm based only])
  • /Cells evict [player] (Unrents cell from player and sends items in cell to auction house)
  • /Cells reset [cellid/all] (resets the cell without sending the items inside to the auction house)
  • /Cells reload (reloads the plugin)


  • cells.permission - allows the player to do /cells
  • cells.* - Grant every permission to a player
  • cells.rent.. - Grant permission for a player to rent an amount of cells per cell group.
  • cells.rent.# - Allows player to rent that many cells in all groups made.
  • cells.rent.* - Grant permission for a player to rent unlimited cells per cell group
  • cells.admin.bypass.storageaccess - Grant permission for a player to open storage in any cell (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.admin.bypass.build - Grant permission for a player to build in any cell (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.create - Grant permission for a player to create, Groups, AuctionHouses, and Cells (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.list - Grant permission for a player to view all cell commands (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.home - Grants permission for a player to teleport to their cells (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.sethome - Grants permission for a player to set the home of any cell (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.evict- Grants permission for a player to evict the owner of a cell (Permbase / consolecommand command only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.setcost - Grants permission for a player to teleport to set the price of a cell(s) (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.removesign - Grants permission for a player to remove signs from cells (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.refreshsigns - Grant permission for a player to refresh all the signs (Permbase only! NO OP)
  • cells.command.reload - Grant permission for a player to reload the configs (Permbase only! NO OP)