Sass (SCSS) Mixins & Variables

This package offers various mixins and variables I use all the time in my personal projects.



  1. Install using NPM:

    npm install --save sass-mixins-variables

  2. Import into your main SCSS file:

    // Import Variables (beta)
    @import 'node_modules/sass-mixins-variables/variables';
    // Import Mixins
    @import 'node_modules/sass-mixins-variables/mixins';

Overwrite default variables

All the variables mixins use are set with !default so can easily be overwritten.

$primary                 : #00deff
$secondary               : #0050ff

$path--image             : 'assets/images'
$path--font              : 'assets/fonts'

$font__size--root        : 16px

$breakpoint__extra-large : 1400px
$breakpoint__large       : 991px
$breakpoint__medium      : 767px
$breakpoint__small       : 480px
$breakpoint__extra-small : 320px

$container__width        : 1040px

Mixins & Functions

These are the available mixins you can use in your SCSS project.

Name Type Description
spacing mixin Creates spacing classes for paddings and margins
bg-img-full mixin Expands full background image CSS with background-size.
bg-img-only mixin Expands only background-image CSS
all-colors mixin Changes the color of all the child themes, including main element and: a, h1-h6
all-headings-colors mixin Changes color of all the headings from h1-h6
calc-rem funciton Convert pixel into 'rem'. Root size is based on $font__size--root value. Multiple values are accepted, e.g., 10px 20px 10px 20px
calc-em funciton Convert pixel into 'em'. Root size is based on $font__size--root value. Multiple values are accepted, e.g., 10px 20px 10px 20px
prop-rem mixin Automatically generates CSS properties with 'rem' unit with a fallback 'px' unit for old browsers. e.g., @include prop-rem( line-height, 50px );
prop-em mixin Automatically generates CSS properties with 'em' unit with a fallback 'px' unit for old browsers. e.g., @include prop-em( line-height, 50px );
font-size mixin Generates font-size from pixel into 'rem' with 'px' as fallback.
margin mixin Generates margin from pixel into 'rem' with 'px' as fallback. e.g., @include margin( 10px 20px );
padding mixin Generates padding from pixel into 'rem' with 'px' as fallback. e.g., @include padding( 10px 20px );
size-rem mixin Description yet to be provided.
width mixin Generates width from pixel into 'rem' with 'px' as fallback.
height mixin Generates height from pixel into 'rem' with 'px' as fallback.
media mixin Opens responsive media.
bp-x-large mixin Opens max-width responsive @media with size based on $breakpoint__extra-large variable
bp-large mixin Opens max-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__large variable
bp-medium mixin Opens max-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__medium variable
bp-small mixin Opens max-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__small variable
bp-x-small mixin Opens max-width responsive @media with size based on $breakpoint__extra-small
bp-x-large-min mixin Opens min-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__extra-large-min variable
bp-large-min mixin Opens min-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__large-min variable
bp-medium-min mixin Opens min-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__medium-min variable
bp-small-min mixin Opens min-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__small-min variable
bp-x-small-min mixin Opens min-width responsive @media with size based defined in $breakpoint__extra-small-min variable
opacity mixin Generates opacity CSS with fallback for older browsers.
vertical-center mixin Makes child elements vertically centerd. Applied on the parent element. e.g., @include vertical-center( 100px, '.child-item' );
position mixin Shorthand for position CSS properties.
background mixin Shorthand for individual background properties. It's used to avoid using background property that overrides all previous background properties.
background-opacity mixin Background opacity using SCSS rgba function with fallback background color for older browsers. e.g., @include background-opacity(#000, 0.5);
per-calc function Converts pixel into percentage based on container's size. e.g., width: per-calc(250px, 1000px); ---> width: 25%
center-with-width mixin Center align block-level element using margin-x auto method. e.g., @include center-with-width( 250px );
grid mixin Generates custom grid classes with row and columns. e.g., @include grid( $number: 12, $gutter: 30px );
font-per-base function Converts pixel to '%' for font size based on $font__size--root size. e.g., font-size: font-per-base( $size: 20px, $base: $font__size--root );
strip-unit function Strips a unit from number. e.g., 12px will become 12
flex-container mixin Description yet to be provided.
primary-gradient mixin Description yet to be provided.
aspect-ratio mixin Convert pixel into aspect ratio in percentage. e.g., aspect-ratio( 16px 9px ); will convert into 56.25%
single-button mixin Description yet to be provided.
truncate-line mixin Adds ... at the end of the line. Stoping it to go into the next line. Does not accept any arguments. ._
prop-rem mixin Convert pixel into 'rem' for any given CSS property name as the first argument. Root size is based on $font__size--root value. Multiple values are accepted, e.g., 10px 20px 10px 20px ._