
Utilties for the Developer. Regex, HTTP echo. Diffing

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Utilities (made with Elixir)

A series of utilities for developers.

  1. Regex Tester
  2. HTTP Sink. Send a request and see it echo on the UI.
  3. Generator diff pipeline. See the diff between versions and flags of generators, such as phx.gen.auth, phx.new, scenic.new, or nerves.new.
  4. Community-provided tips that post to Twitter for you from @elixirstream
  5. ... that's it for now :)

Running Locally

You need to install docker and gem for Ruby and docker needs to be running, otherwise the app will complain when starting up since it can't build the Dockerfiles needed for diffing. Colima doesn't seem to work, but docker-ce does seem to work when mounting volumes. podman might work instead of docker but is the containerd runtime is untested.

You also need silicon installed to generate code screenshots.

To start your Phoenix server:

  • Setup the project with mix setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


flyctl deploy