
An experimental stateful, structured, declarative GUI crate

Primary LanguageRust

The current trend in Rust UI libraries seems to be towards relaxed, immediate-mode APIs that guarantee little and have fairly significant refresh overhead. This crate is an attempt by me to shake things up and build something declarative, fast, structured, type-safe and with a clean separation between data and UI state. Judge the success of this attempt for yourself.


Here follows an example of a fully-functioning calculator app written using this API.

It's a calculator!

struct Data {
    screen: String,
    second: f64,
    op: Option<fn(f64, f64) -> f64>,

impl Data {
    fn start_op(&mut self, op: fn(f64, f64) -> f64) {
        self.second = std::mem::take(&mut self.screen).parse().unwrap();
        self.op = Some(op);

    fn calc(&mut self) {
        let screen = self.screen.parse().unwrap_or(0.0);
        self.screen = match self.op.take() {
            Some(op) => op(self.second, screen),
            None => return,

let num_button = |n: &'static str| Button::<Data>::default_state()
    .on(Click, move |ctx| ctx.data.screen.push_str(&n))

let ui = List::<Data>::vertical()
        .containing(Label::<Data>::bind_state(|d| &mut d.screen).padded(16.0))
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.start_op(|x, y| x + y))
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.start_op(|x, y| x - y))
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.start_op(|x, y| x * y))
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.screen.clear())
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.calc())
            .on(Click, |ctx| ctx.data.start_op(|x, y| x / y))



Here follows a brief and very rough description of the philosophy underpinning the API.

  • UIs are composed of widgets that sit in a tree hierarchy
  • Widget trees are created using an expressive-yet-intuitive builder pattern
  • Events are recursively passed down from parent widgets to child widgets
  • Children may request various layout properties from their parents (expand, minimum size, etc.)
  • The data that the UI represents is independent of the UI and should, where possible, not require special sauce to be reflected in the UI (i.e: if you want to create a list, you just use a Vec<T> in the data model)
  • Widget trees may be constructed hierarchically such that each part of the UI can only 'see' part of the underlying data model. It is possible to integrate sub-trees into a parent in a modular way by providing a mapping between the parent's data model and the child's data model
  • The API for creating widgets that have state (i.e: text boxes, toggle buttons) is consistent
  • 'Transformations' such as padding are generic across widgets and use widget wrapper types
  • The widget tree should never be recreated from scratch to improve performance
  • Rendering is performed on a canvas that emits simple primitives (lines, rectanges, text, etc.) that allow for easy porting to many backends