
Content platform powering enterprise websites and applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

You have found the code base which powers the Zesty.io instance manager. While this code base can be run locally it is only recommended to do so for developing. If you would like to learn more about Zesty.io visit our documentation at zesty.org


The manager-ui has been architected following the PRPL strategy described by Houssein Djirdeh at Google. Every sub application has it's own bundle build. Application bundles are then pre cached dynamically by the app shell based upon the users settings.

Diagram showing Zesty.io instance manager architecture


TL;DR: Install all dependencies at the project root

In order to avoid the confusion of sub-app bundles specificying different versions that are actually included with the vendor bundle all dependencies have been lifted to the repo root. By lifiting all dependencies to the top level package.json we have a single location to manage dependency versions.

This means all sub dependency declarations are resolved, per npm default behaviour, by traversing up the project until it finds tehe node_modules directory at the root.


Webpack is used as the bundler of choice. There is a single webpack config in the app shell which, using lazy routes, separates the sub-apps into individual bundles.

State Management

A redux store is used to manage state across all of the potential sub-apps. The shell setups a global store which is then shared to sub-apps that can dynamically inject reducers if needed.



Using Redux DevTools Extension

  1. Install Redux DevTools Extension
  2. Click on Redux DevTools icon in browser (or right click and open in new window)
  3. View sequence of Redux Actions and other features like state diffs and rewind.

Modify your hosts file

Every instance has a Zesty Universal ID (ZUID) which uniquely identifies itself to the API. When running the instance manager on your host machine you will need to point the unique instance URL to your host machines localhost by editing your hosts file. This is necessary as network requests to remote resources will fail a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request otherwise. This will then route through your localhost hitting the Webpack dev server and then make network requests to remote services as the expected referrer.

NOTE: Running the instance manager locally still connects to remote PRODUCTION resources. Meaning any actions you take will be done against your live instance.

e.g. linux: /etc/hosts windows: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts  YOUR_UNIQUE_INSTANCE_ZUID.manager.zesty.io

Start the application

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Start webpack: npm run start
  3. Load the app in your browser: YOUR_UNIQUE_INSTANCE_ZUID.manager.zesty.io:8080

Run local Stage

npm run start:stage

Cypress Testing

Functional UI tests are run with cypress.io

To run the tests on your machine you will need to create a cypress.env.json file at the root of the repository, add the following JSON and replace the email/password with valid credentials.

Terminal npm run test:open

  "email": "EMAIL",
  "password": "PASSWORD"

Run Cypress

New terminal npm start

Open a second terminal npm run start:test

Pull Cypress Screenshots npm run ci:pull:screenshots

Connect Manager-ui to Material Design System

Connect to Zesty Material Design Systems npm link @zesty-io/material

In Material codebase make your edits npm run build => npm pack A .tgz file will be created copy the file path and install to Manager-Ui

EX:  npm i ~/Code/material/zesty-io-material-0.0.3.tgz

Shortcut to see edits without having to build material app again

Go into node_modules/@zesty-io/material/es/theme/index.js make a change and hot reload will show new edit locally.

MUI Notes

MUI ToggleButtonGroup API

ToggleButtonGroup We are adding exclusive prop to only allow one of the child values to be selected.

OnChange value: of the selected buttons. When exclusive is true this is a single value; when false an array of selected values. If no value is selected and exclusive is true the value is null; when false an empty array.

In some case when sending null this will break the togglebutton UI, thus the reasoning for adding toggleHandlers that checks null through the codebase.

Uploading Assets

To upload assets for your projects put them on the CDN, do not put them in the repository. Assets can be uploaded at https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/assets.zesty.io?project=zesty-prod , upload to the respective folder that match your project name, for example, the SVGs and PNG that are being commited to manager-ui should be moved into this storage bucket under the manager folder, once they are uploaded they accessible from https://assets.zesty.io e.g. https://assets.zesty.io/website/assets/images/dxp_bottom_bg.svg


For in-app deeplinks the preferred url structure is to use url path parameters as opposed to query parameters. Generally, paths are best used used to deep link into a specific view (a combination of UI layout and elements rendered on screen) whereas query parameters are used to refine a view.


Table view: /content/6-000-0000
Table view filtered to published items: /content/6-000-0000?status=published

Content edit view: /content/6-000-0000/7-000-0000
Content edit view that displays deactivated field: /content/6-000-0000/7-000-0000?showDeactivated=true

Comment in content edit view: /content/6-000-0000/7-000-0000/comment/12-000-0000/24-000-0000
Comment in content edit view that displays deleted replies: /content/6-000-0000/7-000-0000/comment/12-000-0000/24-000-0000?showDeleted=true