A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
- 5
- 22
Unable to resolve module "path"
#30 opened by pdaniloais - 0
This package is not working with fastlane
#86 opened by ThallyssonKlein - 3
How does react-native-dotenv decide
#64 opened by OguzhanKazak - 7
The package at "node_modules/react-native-dotenv/index.js" attempted to import the Node standard library module "path"
#67 opened by idandagan1 - 1
Getting env vars during debugging in vs code
#85 opened by superandrew - 0
- 2
Update README.md example does not add env
#74 opened by kopax - 2
- 5
react-native 0.50.0 and storybook: unable to resolve module "path" from `.../react-native-dotenv.index.js`
#31 opened by macrozone - 0
FS Dependency Error
#80 opened by mdaronco - 3
Changing environment variables in files .env and .env.production not picked up until reboot on OSX
#79 opened by t-ricci-enhancers - 6
- 9
How to reset the env variables?
#20 opened by PolGuixe - 3
Optional import?
#41 opened by amcsi - 3
how to mock this when using jest?
#71 opened by sibelius - 51
- 3
using env inside metro.config.js
#58 opened by bosung90 - 2
Is it a safe/secure way to store SECRET KEYS ?
#61 opened by Gorbus - 8
Variables are not updating
#24 opened by wachunei - 1
#68 opened by Sathyanarayan09 - 0
- 12
Use ENVFILE=.env.XXX with Debug/Release
#55 opened by bars0um - 2
GeneratedInfoPlistDotEnv.h file not found
#65 opened by conor909 - 3
Import *
#50 opened by andreechristian - 1
Bundling failed because modul fs is not found
#69 opened by dorklord23 - 0
- 1
- 0
Unable to resolve module 'firebase' from "path" module 'firebase' does not exit in the haste module map
#60 opened by nkbeldar - 2
Access `.env` vars from `package.json` scripts
#49 opened by mischlecht - 4
junedomingo/movieappModule : `react` does no t exist in the Haste module map -
#54 opened by TheAmin7 - 1
Suggestion - update README
#56 opened by sharoneh - 0
can't find variable name: __dirname
#52 opened by muhammad-nauman - 2
Single import that populates process.env
#48 opened by stpch - 2
- 2
Converting string true/false to boolean value
#23 opened by lex111 - 2
Not Allowed To Export Objects
#46 opened by dbarks1024 - 0
Support variables from scripts
#47 opened by SilencerWeb - 1
Is there a detailed way to use it?
#43 opened by shaoting0730 - 3
react-native 0.56.0 won't bundle
#44 opened by reed-jones - 5
app crash if no variable present
#38 opened by HERRKIN - 1
Adding more environments ?
#19 opened by PolGuixe - 1
.env file not found in testing environment
#36 opened by wachunei - 2
- 2
Release App via XCode
#33 opened by schmaluk - 6
- 0
Android release build picks up development env
#29 opened by anshul-kai - 6
RN 0.46.0 packager fails
#21 opened by mrkpatchaa - 1
- 2
staging config
#18 opened by eddnav