
Meteor version of the original Plex Requests

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Plex Requests - Meteor Style!


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open

This is Plex Requests but written with Meteor! It's been updated with an approval system, basic issue reporting, and a new visual style!

⚠️ Warning regarding Meteor 1.3 ⚠️

Meteor recently updated to 1.3, and while we don't expect any issues we advise you don't update your installation yet. You will get prompted to run meteor update once the update has downloaded in the background. Please refrain from running it, until we can confirm everything will continue to work.

Interested in a cross platform .Net Plex Requests? Check out Plex Requests.Net!


  • Users can easily search the TheMovieDB for content to request
  • Easily accessible list of requested Movies and TV series
  • Simple and easy user authentication and request approval
  • CouchPotato integration for automatic downloads of Movies
  • SickRage and Sonarr integrationed for automatic TV Series downloads
  • Pushbullet, Pushover and Slack notifications to keep up to date with requests
    • You can now push notifications to a custom channel to easily notify others whenever new content is requested and added. Users only need to subscribe to the channel to start recieving notifications. Visit the Channel Creation Page to learn more about how to create and distribute your own channel.


Installation is straightforward: please update to Meteor 1.2.1, clone the repo, cd into the directory, and run meteor. For Windows users check out this blog post for installation instructions using Git!

On first run navigate to http://localhost:3000/admin and create an admin account with an email address and password. If this isn't done someone else can create the admin account to your application. This account is only used for logging in, email integration isn't enabled. Once logged in, you can configure your settings and get things going.


To use the bundled docker-compose simply run it with

docker-compose up

(add -d to run it as a daemon)


Please visit the projects GitHub page for FAQ page


@rigrassm / @leonkunert / @jeradin / @jrudio / @drzoidberg33 / @SmallwoodDR82 / @camjac251

Want to help out?

Want to make Plex Requests more awesome? Feel free to fork the repo and submit a pull request! Not a developer or rather not get your hands dirty? You can donate via PayPal to keep things going, or just simply to say thanks!


This application is licensed under The MIT License. The Plex logo, and name are copyright of Plex Inc.