
TodoMVC demonstration of Rails + GraphQL + Relay

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rails + Relay TodoMVC Build Status

This project demonstrates to expose an Relay-compatible GraphQL API with graphql-ruby from an existing Rails app, and to build a React app with Relay which uses the GraphQL API.




In development, you'll need to run bin/rails server with bin/webpack-dev-server to have the app/javascript/packs/*.js files be compiled as you make changes, and bin/relay-compiler if you change the GraphQL schema or any graphql tags in any JavaScript files.

If you'd rather not have to run the two processes separately by hand, you can use Foreman:

gem install foreman
foreman start

The default port of the Rails Server is 5000.


  • Refactor code
  • Use cached data while switching the todo items filter (facebook/relay#2006 explains this behavior, needs to dig on more about GC of Relay Modern Store)
  • Fix all optimistic updates
  • Use Relay Subscriptions with Action Cable to do realtime update
  • Resolve Rails n+1 query problem while executing an GraphQL query
  • Let the user manage multiple todo lists
  • Implement user authentication
  • Build a React Native app with the same JavaScript codebase