Semantic Web - Assignment 2

Coinmarketcap ontology


Domain Coverage

The ontology will cover the domain of cryptocurrency market data, specifically focusing on aspects related to:

  • Cryptocurrencies and their attributes (e.g., price, market cap, volume, etc.)
  • Exchanges and market pairs
  • Wallets and their reviews
  • Users and their interactions (e.g., reviews)
  • Developers and ICOs
  • News articles related to cryptocurrencies
  • Historical data and trading volumes

Use of the Ontology

The ontology could be used for:

  • Information Retrieval: Enabling users to query and retrieve detailed information about cryptocurrencies, exchanges, market pairs, wallets, and related news.
  • Data Integration: Integrating data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of the cryptocurrency market.
  • Semantic Search: Enabling users to perform semantic searches related to cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and other related entities.
  • Knowledge Discovery: Identifying relationships and patterns within the cryptocurrency market data.
  • Decision Support: Assisting investors and traders in making informed decisions by providing structured and semantically enriched data.


Integrating an ontology with CoinMarketCap's API involves fetching data from the API, transforming it into a format that aligns with the ontology, and then populating the ontology with this data. Here are some steps and issues to consider:


  • Properties like :circulatingSupply, :totalSupply, and :maxSupply represent numerical values related to the supply of a cryptocurrency, hence have a range of xsd:float.

  • Properties like :launchDate, :newsDate, :icoStartDate, and :icoEndDate represent dates and thus have a range of xsd:date.

  • Textual properties like :reviewText and :newsTitle have a range of xsd:string.

  • The :reviewRating property, which might represent a score or rating, has a range of xsd:float.

  • 15 classes

  • 15 object properties

  • 20 datatype properties

  • 20 individuals

  • Use class constructs

    • unionOf
    • disjointWith
    • intersectionOf
    • allValuesFrom
    • oneOf
  • Use property constructs

    • transitive property
    • symmetric property
    • inverse property
    • disjoint property
  • Assert the domain and rage of AT LEAST 10 properties


The ontology defines the following 27 classes:

  1. :Blockchain
  2. :Cryotpocurrency
    1. `:Coin
    2. :Token
  3. :Developer
  4. :Exchange
  5. :FinancialEntity
    1. :Bank
    2. :CryptocurrencyExchange
      1. :VerifiedExchange
  6. :HistoricalData
  7. :ICO
  8. :Investor
  9. :Liquidity
  10. :MarketCap
  11. :MarketPair
  12. :NewsArticle
  13. :Person
  14. :PopularCryptocurrency
  15. :Review
  16. :SecureEncryption
  17. :TradingVolume
  18. :User
  19. :VerifiedEntity
    1. :VerifiedExchange
  20. :Wallet
    1. :SecureWallet

Object Properties

The ontology defines the following 23 object properties:

  1. :hasDeveloper
  2. :hasExchange
  3. :hasHistoricalData
  4. :hasLiquidity
  5. :hasMarketCap
  6. :hasRoadmap
  7. :hasToken
  8. :hasTradingVolume
  9. :hasUserReview
  10. :hasWallet
  11. :hasWebProfile
  12. :hasWebsite
  13. :hasWhitepaper
  14. :investedIn
  15. :isLinkedTo
  16. :launchedBy
  17. :launchedICO
  18. :relatedToNews
  19. :tradedInPair
  20. :tradedOnExchange
  21. :usesBlockchain
  22. :usesEncryption
  23. :writtenBy

Datatype Properties

The ontology defines the following 20 datatype properties:

  1. :allTimeHighPrice
  2. :allTimeLowPrice
  3. :circulatingSupply
  4. :currentPrice
  5. :icoEndDate
  6. :icoRaisedAmount
  7. :icoStartDate
  8. :launchDate
  9. :marketCapValue
  10. :maxSupply
  11. :name
  12. :newsDate
  13. :newsTitle
  14. :priceChange24h
  15. :priceChangePercentage24h
  16. :reviewRating
  17. :reviewText
  18. :symbol
  19. :totalSupply
  20. :volume24h


The ontology defines the following 26 individuals:

  1. `:AES256Encryption
  2. `:BasicEncryption
  3. :Binance
  4. :Bitcoin
  5. :BitcoinMarketCap
  6. :Coinbase
  7. :Doge
  8. :DogeMarketCap
  9. :Ethereum
  10. :EthereumMarketCap
  11. :FoxToken
  12. :FoxTokenICO
  13. :FoxTokenMarketCap
  14. :Investor1
  15. :JohnDoe
  16. :Kraken
  17. :Litecoin
  18. :LitecoinMarketCap
  19. :Monero
  20. :MoneroMarketCap
  21. :Stellar
  22. :StellarICO
  23. :StellarMarketCap
  24. :StellarToken
  25. :ZCash
  26. :ZCashMarketCap

Properties with domain and range

The following properties have their domains and ranges defined:

  1. Property: :hasDeveloper
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :Developer

  2. Property: :hasExchange
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :Exchange

  3. Property: :hasHistoricalData
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :HistoricalData

  4. Property: :hasLiquidity
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :Liquidity

  5. Property: :hasMarketCap
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :MarketCap

  6. Property: :hasToken
    Domain: :ICO
    Range: :Token

  7. Property: :hasTradingVolume
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :TradingVolume

  8. Property: :hasUserReview
    Domain: :Cryptocurrency
    Range: :Review

  9. Property: :hasWallet
    Domain: :User
    Range: :Wallet

  10. Property: :investedIn
    Domain: :Investor
    Range: :ICO

Class Constructs


This is used to specify that two classes have no instances in common.

:Exchange owl:disjointWith :Cryptocurrency .


This is used to define a class that is a union of two or more classes.

:FinancialEntity a owl:Class ;
    owl:unionOf ( :Exchange :Cryptocurrency ) .

:FinancialEntity could be defined as a class that includes individuals that are either of type :Bank or :CryptocurrencyExchange.


This is used to define a class that is an intersection of two or more classes.

:VerifiedExchange rdf:type owl:Class ;
                 owl:intersectionOf (:CryptocurrencyExchange :VerifiedEntity) .

:VerifiedExchange could represent entities that are both :CryptocurrencyExchange and :VerifiedEntity.


This is used to define a class by explicitly listing its instances.

:PopularCryptocurrency rdf:type owl:Class ;
                       owl:oneOf (:Bitcoin :Ethereum :Litecoin) .

:PopularCryptocurrency might be defined as a class that includes specific individuals, such as :Bitcoin, :Ethereum, and :Litecoin.


(requires defining a restriction)

:SecureWallet rdf:type owl:Class ;
             rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ;
                               owl:onProperty :usesEncryption ;
                               owl:allValuesFrom :SecureEncryption ] .

:SecureWallet might be a class of wallets, all of which use a type of :SecureEncryption for the property :usesEncryption.

Examples of this restriction

  1. Valid: A wallet is considered a :SecureWallet without having the :usesEncryption property (it does not violate the restriction)
:MyWallet rdf:type :SecureWallet .
  1. Valid: A wallet is a :SecureWallet and uses an encryption method that is a :SecureEncryption.
:MyWallet rdf:type :SecureWallet ;
          :usesEncryption :SomeSecureEncryptionMethod .

:SomeSecureEncryptionMethod rdf:type :SecureEncryption .
  1. Invalid: A wallet is a :SecureWallet but uses an encryption method that is not a :SecureEncryption
:MyWallet rdf:type :SecureWallet ;
          :usesEncryption :SomeInsecureEncryptionMethod .

:SomeInsecureEncryptionMethod rdf:type :InsecureEncryption .

Property Constructs

Transitive Property: :isPartnerOf

:ExchangeA :isPartnerOf :ExchangeB .
:ExchangeB :isPartnerOf :ExchangeC .
  • Definition: :isPartnerOf is defined as a transitive property.
  • Implication: If :ExchangeA is a partner of :ExchangeB, and :ExchangeB is a partner of :ExchangeC, then it is inferred that :ExchangeA is a partner of :ExchangeC.

Symmetric Property: `:isCompetitorOf

:CoinA :isCompetitorOf :CoinB .
  • Definition: :isCompetitorOf is defined as a symmetric property.
  • Implication: If :CoinA is a competitor of :CoinB, then it is automatically inferred that :CoinB is a competitor of :CoinA.

Inverse Property: :owns and :isOwnedBy

:InvestorA :owns :WalletA .
  • Definition: :owns and :isOwnedBy are defined as inverse properties of each other.
  • Implication: If :InvestorA owns :WalletA, then it is automatically inferred that :WalletA is owned by :InvestorA. Conversely, if we state that :WalletA :isOwnedBy :InvestorA, it is inferred that :InvestorA :owns :WalletA.

Disjoint Property: :investsIn and :divestsIn

:InvestorB :investsIn :CoinC .
  • Definition: :investsIn and :divestsIn are defined as disjoint properties.
  • Implication: If :InvestorB invests in :CoinC, it cannot be true that :InvestorB divests in :CoinC at the same time (and vice versa). The ontology will be inconsistent if both statements are true for the same individuals.


I used Protege reasoner HermiT 1.4.3.x to check for consistency in the code. This helped to isolate a number of mistakes.

One example are the Object Properties :hasWhitepaper :hasWebsite :hasRoadmap

which were each described as Datatype properties, throwing an error in the console:

ERROR 15:46:36 Attempt to transform an axiom to correct misuse of properties failed. Property replacement: {hasWhitepaper=hasWhitepaper, hasWebsite=hasWebsite, hasRoadmap=hasRoadmap}, axiom: <http://www.example.org/ontology#StellarICO> hasRoadmap <http://www.stellarico.com/roadmap.pdf>, error: class org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI cannot be cast to class

Other errors occurred during development, but I did not capture them.