Evaluation of behave for test data creation via API


pipenv install


pipenv run behave -D base_url="http://httpbin.org" -D username="user@example.com" -D password="secret"


BASE_URL="http://httpbin.org" pipenv runn behave

Excecute only scenarios with @focus tag

behave -D base_url="http://httpbin.org" --tags="@focus"

Build docker container

docker build . -t test-data-toolkit:latest

Dockerized execution

docker run -it test-data-toolkit:latest -D base_url="http://httpbin.org"

Dockerized execution with tags

docker run -it test-data-toolkit:latest -D base_url="http://httpbin.org" --tags="@focus"

Execute local changes in container

docker run -v ${pwd}/features:/home/worker/features -it -e BASE_URL=http://httpbin.org test-data-toolkit:latest

Start server to enable remote execution via API call

flask run -p 4000

Execute via API

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"args": ["-D", "base_url=http://httpbin.org", "--tags", "@focus"}' http://localhost:4000/api/execute