
Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

This is my fork of Jekyll, it just add the support for pandoc as the markdown renderer of jekyll.

To install, make sure you have the `pandoc-ruby` gem in your computer. If not, do like:

gem install pandoc-ruby

Then build and install this jekyll: gem build jekyll.gemspec

gem build jekyll.gemspec
gem install -l jekyll-*.*.*.gem

After that, you can set in your _config.yml like this:

markdown: pandoc
    extensions: [mathjax, standalone]

Then you have the jekyll equiped with pandoc, enjoy!

Last thing to note is that you can’t use pandoc in GithubPages, so you have to generate all the site files locally and then push them to your github pages repo.


By Tom Preston-Werner, Nick Quaranto, and many awesome contributors!

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory (representing the raw form of a website), runs it through Textile or Markdown and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, static website suitable for serving with Apache or your favorite web server. This is also the engine behind GitHub Pages, which you can use to host your project’s page or blog right here from GitHub.

Getting Started

Diving In

Runtime Dependencies

  • RedCloth: Textile support (Ruby)
  • Liquid: Templating system (Ruby)
  • Classifier: Generating related posts (Ruby)
  • Maruku: Default markdown engine (Ruby)
  • Directory Watcher: Auto-regeneration of sites (Ruby)
  • Pygments: Syntax highlighting (Python)

Developer Dependencies

  • Shoulda: Test framework (Ruby)
  • RR: Mocking (Ruby)
  • RedGreen: Nicer test output (Ruby)
  • RDiscount: Discount Markdown Processor (Ruby)
