
company clustering with K-means/GMM and visualization with PCA, t-SNE, using SSAN relation extraction

Primary LanguagePython

RE results graph visualization and company clustering

Winter Intern Project at KAIST Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab
Junhyeok Jung(KAIST), Kwanghyeon Lee(KAIST), Jiwoo Shin(KAIST), Jieun Han(HUFS)


  1. pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. python -m nltk.downloader stopwords

  3. python3.7 main.py

1. Paragraph-Level Relation Extraction using rule-based and SSAN

|- df4rule.py

  • Prerequiste

    • You need csv files that are generated with finiancial_news_api
    • Those files should be located in "visualization_code/rule_base_datasets/*.csv"
  • This code extracts relations with rule-based patterns.

    • (S + V + O) -> (head: S, relation: V, tail: O )

|- df4ssan.py

  • Prerequiste
    • We recommend you run SSAN independently, and make sure all relation extraction.json file from SSAN code saved in "output/*/SSAN_result_all_relation.json"
  • This code convert json file to dataframe and concat all the dataframes from various companies.

2. Graph visualization by degree and betweeness centrality using networkx

|- visualize_cent.py

  • output
    • degree_centrality: "./graph_png/degree.png"
    • betweenness_centrality: "./graph_png/between.png"

3. Get embedding vector with Node2vec Company clustering with K-means and GMM

|- node.py


  • output
    • consine similarity: "./similarity_result/consine_similarity.csv"
    • l2 norm: "./similarity_result/l2_norm.csv"

|- company_cluster.py

  • GMM (soft clustering) k: number of clusters

    main.py company_clustering(com_list, com_vec, 4, 'gmm')

  • K-means (hard clustering)

    main.py company_clustering(com_list, com_vec, 4, 'kmeans')

4. Visualize with PCA and TSNE


  • output
    • PCA: "./graph_png/company_cluster_pca.png"
    • TSNE: "./graph_png/company_cluster_tsne.png"


  • degree_centrality: "./graph_png/degree.png"
  • betweenness_centrality: "./graph_png/between.png"
  • consine similarity: "./similarity_result/consine_similarity.csv"
  • l2 norm: "./similarity_result/l2_norm.csv"
  • PCA: "./graph_png/company_cluster_pca.png"
  • TSNE: "./graph_png/company_cluster_tsne.png"