DLMS dissector for Wireshark

(c) Petr Matousek, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic Contact: matousp@fit.vutbr.cz

Version: 1.0 Date: 28th March 2018

This folder contains three LUA files forming a DLMS dissector for Wireshark. DLMS/COSEM is a transmission protocol for energy metering. It supports remote meter reading, remote control and any other services related to energy distribution.

DLMS specification is developed and maintained by the DLMS User Association. It defined application layer protocols, COSEM objects and classes, HDLC or TCP/IP transport.

DLMS dissector was implemented as a part of the research project IRONSTONE (2016-2019) by Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. It implements a limited set of features of DLMS communication that was a part of the project.

DLMS dissector includes

  • dlms.lua - a dissector of DLMS layer including AARQ and AARE PDUs
  • hdlc.lua - a dissector of HDLC format 3. HDLC transports DLMS messages. Here we expect HDLC frames encapsulated over TCP/IP. For DLMS, mostly I-frames are important. hdlc.lua dissector calls DLMS dissector for non-empty I-frames.
  • dlms-wrapper.lua - a dissector that extracts DLMS messages wrapped into a user-specific wrapper over TCP/IP. In this case, it skipps the first N bytes. The remaining bytes are interpreted as a DLMS communication, thus, DLMS dissector is called upon them.

Supported DLMS message and parsing:

  • Only LN referencing
  • AARQ (with xDLMS-Initiate.response) and AARE (with xDLMS-Initiate.response)
  • DLMS LN referencing messages: GetRequest, GetResponse, SetRequest, SetResponse
  • Detailed parsing of Get/SetRequestNormal, Get/SetResponseNormal, GetResponseWithDatablock
  • GetRequestNormal: extraction of OBIS code, interface class and attribute
  • GetResponseNormal: extraction of data type, length and value
  • SetRequestNormal: OBIS code, interface class, attribute and value extracted
  • SetResponseNormal: data-access-result extracted
  • DataBlock-G value is not interpreted
  • No ciphered APDU messages supported



DLMS dissector for Wireshark requires the following files:

  • dlms.lua - DLMS/COSEM dissector
  • hdlc.lua - HDLC over TCP/IP dissector (optional)
  • dlms-wrapper.lua - DLMS wrapper dissector (optional)

Based on the kind of encapsulation either hdlc.lua or dlms-wrapper.lua is required. For supported features, see Readme.txt

Installation Steps

  1. Check the LUA support of your Wireshark.
  • Launch Wireshark, open menu Help/About Wireshark;
  • Check if the distribution is compiled with Lua interpretor.
  1. Check for the Wireshark plugins folder name.
  • Launch Wireshark, open menu Help/About Wireshark/Folders;
  • Check for the Personal Plugins folder.
  1. Copy .lua dissectors into the Wireshark Personal Plugins Folder.
  2. Launch Wireshark


DLMS parser is called by default on the communication that is transmitted over TCP ports specified in hdlc.lua or dlms-wrapper.lua. If your DLMS communication is transmitted over other ports, you can add your ports into the above mentioned files or you can right click on the packet in the Wireshark and choose Decode As option where you select either HDLC or DLMS-Wrapper based on your encapsulation.

LUA support in Wireshark is required. Some Unix versions of Wireshark do not support LUA.


  • Reassembling of segmented HDLC messages
  • AARL, AARE, Abort