
stb style single header libs for basic utilities in C programs such string view, arena allocator, gap buffer, etc.

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stb style single header libs for basic utilities in C programs.


To use any library in this repository:

  1. copy the header file into your project - for e.g., copy zdx_da.h
  2. copy the util header file into your project - zdx_util.h
  3. in one C file, do the following to include the implementation - for e.g., to use zdx_da.h
#include "<path to zdx_da.h>"
  1. in all other files, just a #include <path to lib header> should suffice
  2. done!

You can find usage examples in tests/<lib>_test.c - for e.g., zdx_da.h usage can be found in tests/zdx_da_test.c.


# make test_<lib name> or make test_<lib name>_dbg for debug build of tests
make test_zdx_da
# OR
make test_zdx_da_dbg

Notes on how to make a single header-file library can be found here.



This contains a (mostly) macro based dynamic array implementation. It only works with gcc and clang for now as it uses statement expressions.

It requires a container struct with the following mandatory members:

  • size_t length: will hold dynamic array length
  • size_t capacity: will hold the capacity of the dynamic array as multiples of items
  • <type> *items: this will hold all the items of type <type> pushed into the dynamic array. <type> can be anything you want.

Other members can also be specified in the struct alongside the above mandatory members.

For example, the following is a valid dynamic array container:

typedef struct {
    char *name;
    uint8_t age;
} Person;

typedef struct {
    int i;
    size_t length;
    size_t capacity;
    Person *items;
    float f;
    union {
        uint8_t ui;
        int8_t si;
} SomeStruct;


  • DA_ASSERT - defaults to assert() from <assert.h>. Can be redefined if you'd like to not abort on assertion failure
  • DA_RESIZE_FACTOR - defaults to 2. Decides by what factor the capactiy of the dynamic array is scaled. It can be redefined.
  • DA_MIN_CAPACITY - defaults to 8. Can be redefined to control the minimum capacity of a dynamic array.


  • da_push(&container, ...elements) - appends elements to container.items and returns the length after push
    typedef struct {
        int member1;
        struct {
          union {
            int16_t nested_member1;
            float nester_member2;
        } member2;
    } Item;
    typedef struct {
        size_t length;
        size_t capacity;
        Item *items;
        char *tag;
    } da_t;
    da_t container = {0};
    size_t len = da_push(&container, (Item){ .member1 = 80 }, (Item){ .member1 = 100, .member2.nested_member1 = "Hello!" });
    assert(len == 2 == container.length);
    • da_pop(&container) - pops the last element in container.items and returns it
    Item i = da_pop(&container);
    assert(i.member1 == 100);
    assert(container.length == 1);
    • da_deinit(&container) - free()s container.items
    assert(container.length == 0);
    assert(container.capacity == 0);
    assert(container.items == NULL);


This header contains utility macros and maybe utility functions in the future.


  • ZDX_LOG_LEVEL - L_ERROR (1), L_WARN (2), L_INFO (3)


  • assertm(condition, ...) - asserts if condition is truthy. If falsy, it prints the message provided in ... to stderr and calls abort()

    assertm(moreReplHistory.capacity == 2, "Expected: 2, Received: %zu", moreReplHistory.capacity);
  • log(ZDX_LOG_LEVEL, ...args) - prints logs with given level to stderr.

    Logging can be disabled by flag -DZDX_LOGS_DISABLE.

    log(L_INFO, "%d tests passed. All ok!\n", 10);
  • dbg(...args) - prints debug logs to stderr.

    It's disabled by default and can be enabled by -DZDX_TRACE_ENABLE.

    dbg("Starting resizing: new capacity %zu", new_capacity);
  • bail(...args) - prings ...args to stderr and then calls exit(1)

    bail("Oh no!");