
Bash Utilities for those to like to program using bash.

Primary LanguageShellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Bash Utitilies for those to like to program using bash.


Clone this repo


# Download
cd $HOME
mkdir -p $HOME/bin/clis
git clone https://github.com/zeusintuivo/bash_intuivo_cli.git

# Install as symlinks
cd $HOME/bin/clis/bash_intuivo_cli

# Execute linker to make scripts available
bash link_folder_scripts


nur / solo / only / ue

nur " just nur it " 
       just search it

Nur finds a replacer in your computer and it already has reconfigured the different flags to make it simple for you to find something and it will start by prioritizing the fastest signature available.

ü -- Searches words inside docs returning an iTerm friendly, colored, response, ready to CMND or CTRL click to edit right away

ü password | ü .html | ü hyper. 
nur password | nur .html | nur hyper.     
# This searches password in all the documents, 
# \__then filters  .html" 
# \__then filters "hyper."

ohne / sin / without / oeoe

ø -- Same as ü but without (grep -v)

ü zeus | ø clone             
nur zeus | ohne clone        
# This ü searches everything that says zeus 
# \__ then pipes the results 
# \__ then  ø (ohne German for without) removes "clone" from the result


ö -- Finds files with names all subdirectories

ö clone                              
oe clone
# This ö finds all the files that the filename have then word "clone"  in it.

ersetze / reemplazar / replace / aeoe

äö -- Replaces words inside files. Edit in place

äö zeus powerful
ersetze zeus powerful   
# This äö will find all files with "zeus" and replace with "powerful." So no need to edit them.

cuet / cortar

cüt -- Removes content from the pipe passed to it

ü zeus | cüt zeus                    
# This ü will find all files with "zeus" 
# \__ then pipe the result to cüt 
$ \__ which will remove the word "zeus" from the result set.