This repo contains demo code for the Chainlink 2022 Spring Hackathon.


This project sets up 4 contracts necessary to demonstrate governance:

  • Governance Token
  • Governor
  • Timelock
  • "Box" - the target of governance

Box is owned by the Timelock and therefore can only be called by Timelock. This ensure automation, and protocol-controlled execution of successful proposals. Governor is given 'proposer' rights, while the executor is given to zero-address (i.e anyone).

The lifecycle of governance demonstrated in this project is as follows:

  • deploy contracts
  • setup the access control and roles
  • make a proposal by calling the GovernorContract's propose() method.
  • voting (after the voting delay and during the voting window) to update Box's value to 100.
  • queueing (timelock) for the duration of the minimum delay the GovernorContract's queue() method, and
  • then executing the successful proposal by calling the GovernorContract's execute() method.


  • yarn
  • Typescript
  • Hardhat
  • OpenZeppelin
  • Solidity


Thanks to Patrick who's repository served as inspiration for this.