
Device Table Overflow

ilyas-taouaou opened this issue · 2 comments

Somehow this seems to overflow into the next fields of my struct
Here is where that happens:
any idea why that could be the case?
volkLoadDeviceTable(&app->vk, app->device);

zeux commented

The size of the VolkDeviceTable struct depends on the extensions that the Vulkan headers enable; you might have a mismatch between the VK_* defines between your translation unit and volk.c, specifically VK_USE_PLATFORM_* are usually a suspect.

The size of the VolkDeviceTable struct depends on the extensions that the Vulkan headers enable; you might have a mismatch between the VK_* defines between your translation unit and volk.c, specifically VK_USE_PLATFORM_* are usually a suspect.

Thanks, now I use the headers only to make sure that they're always consistent, which fixed it!