
volkLoadDevice(device) erases some function pointers

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I ran into an issue when volkLoadDevice(device) can't load pointers of some functions, in my case - vkCmdDrawMeshTasksEXT(). The pointer gets loaded in volkLoadInstance(instance), but for some reason it is set to nullptr on volkLoadDevice(device). I'm using NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti, I have VK_EXT_mesh_shader support and I'm using newest LunarG's SDK and newest NVIDIA's Game Ready driver.

zeux commented

Are you enabling VK_EXT_mesh_shader when creating the device? I'm also a little surprised that it is supported - 1xxx series shouldn't have mesh shader capable hardware - but https://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/displayreport.php?id=28157#extensions does list it as supported...

16xx series is Turing arch as well ass 2xxx series, so it supports mesh shading. I will check if I did everything you mentioned and write back.

Yes, problem was indeed caused by me. I simply forgot to add it device extension list... I apologize for such inattention and thank you for quick response and help! I'm closing the issue.