
Repo for hosting tutorial code associated with the "AssemblyAI and Python in 5 Minutes" blog by AssemblyAI

Primary LanguagePython


Repo for hosting tutorial code associated with the AssemblyAI and Python in 5 Minutes blog by AssemblyAI


$ pip install requests


If your AssemblyAI API key is stored as an environment variable called AAI_API_KEY file, then you can omit the optional --api_key argument.

$ python transcribe.py audio_file [--local] [--api_key=<YOUR-API-KEY>"]

Example for hosted file:

$ python transcribe.py https://github.com/AssemblyAI-Examples/assemblyai-and-python-in-5-minutes/raw/main/audio.mp3 --api_key=<YOUR-API-KEY>

Example for local file:

$ python transcribe.py audio.mp3 --local --api_key=<YOUR-API-KEY>