Node Gallery
NodeJS Photo Gallery built on Express 4.
Feed it a directory of photos, get back a JSON object & a styled photo gallery ready for the web.
- No database needed
- Strictly no frills
- Folders titles => Album titles
- Image titles => Photo Titles
- EXIF title => Description
- Displays camera capture info (exposure, aperture, ISO..)
$ npm install --save node-gallery
Node gallery can be used standalone, or in an existing node.js application. The example code has support for the Openshift and Heroku PaaS.
In Existing Applications
Node Gallery exposes express style middleware, meaning it can be mounted to any route within your application.
@param {string, required} staticFiles The directory where your album starts - can contain photos or images
@param {string, required} urlRoot The root URL which you pass into the epxress router in app.use (no way of obtaining this otherwise)
@param {string, optional} title Yup, you guessed it - the title to display on the root gallery
@param {boolean, optional} render Default to true. If explicitly set to false, rendering is left to the next function in the chain - see below.
@param {string, optional} thumbnail.width Thumbnail image width, defaults '200'
@param {string, optional} thumbnail.height as above
@param {string, optional} image.width Large images width defaults '100%'
@param {string, optional} image.height as above
app.use('/gallery', require('node-gallery')({
staticFiles : 'resources/photos',
urlRoot : 'gallery',
title : 'Example Gallery'
Now, you can access the gallery by going to your application's url /gallery - in the case of our example, http://localhost:3000/gallery.
Providing Views
The middleware renders the views in the views
directory by default, but you can override this behavior & provide your own view rendering by setting render
to false.
When this happens, the gallery HTML is returned in req.html
, the raw JSON data in
app.use('/gallery', require('node-gallery')({
staticFiles : 'resources/photos',
urlRoot : 'gallery',
title : 'Example Gallery',
render : false
}), function(req, res, next){
We MUST add another middleware function to the chain when render is false.
just return the raw HTML data - we could partial into another template here,
pass the JSON data into a template
return res.send(req.html);
For a more detailed example, see examples/app.js.
Middleware Routes
There are three main routes exposed under whatever root directory you provide.
To receive JSON Responses rather than a rendered HTML page, just send an accept: application/json
Album Pages
Photo Pages
Image Files
Running Standalone
Node Gallery can be run standalone for testing.
Modify examples/app.js to your liking, then add your albums & images to examples/resources/photos
& run using:
cd example
npm install -d
node app.js
Node Gallery with out-of-the-box configuration is deployed to Heroku - see it here.
A basic usage example showing how to use node-gallery with Express can be found in examples/basic.js.
A more advanced example, showing how to take control of the rendering of your pages is shown in examples/app.js.
To try these examples:
cd examples
npm install -d
node app.js # or node basic.js
Photos are added to your specified staticFiles
directory. Albums are created for every folder we encounter, and thumbnails are automatically generated by using the first image we come across in this album.
Tests are written in raw javascript. To run,
$ npm test
Node Gallery does require ImageMagick. Installation instructions for mac can be found at:
For windows:
- Select imagemagick installer for your system, e.g.,
- Install imagemagick
- Make sure that imagemagick tools are available on system path (e.g., you can test if you can run "convert.exe" from CMD)
- Restart cygwin, CMD or whatever you use to fire up node.js